Zyada K

I'm starting to roll my own to-do app, but before I do, is there any out there that does something like what I'm envisioning?
What I want is something that will keep track of what I want to accomplish (everyone does this), then when I say I've finished it, the task moves off the to-do list on to an achievements list,

I had a bad problem with insomnia for many years, and did some research on it. Here are the things I’ve found that help the most.

1. Don't take the sleeping pills. Although they are not addictive in the way we tend to think (you won't jones for them if you miss taking them) they are addictive in the sense that once you

That person could be saying anything. You aren't able to read that person's mind, so if you decide that any constellation of behaviors is saying that your time is less important than theirs, you are the one who making yourself upset over their behavior. That is certainly your choice, but it's an ineffective one.

Why would you take someone else's problem and interpret that as a deliberate insult to you?

Well it took me about 10 minutes. I googled double-headed eagle, then went to the wiki page on heraldry and checked each coat of arms until I saw one with the two lions as supports. Then I flickr searched for Nijmegen flowers and this showed up in the first line of results.

I can vouch for cinnamon. We had a bad ant infestation last year and they found the cat food. I sprinkled cinnamon across the bottom of the door where they were getting in, and put cinnamon on the tray that the cat food is on, and they were gone in hours.

I use a church key to do this

I just put on my rubber gloves, the ones I'm supposed to wear for washing dishes.

I'll agree with it being (mostly*) a myth; however, since most commercial air fresheners are scent plus a nasal anesthetic, I'll take this over something purchased any day.

It has been witnessed that I can cross the room, hit the snooze button and come back to bed, while asleep. I'd lay odds I'd have this down in 3 days.

I was reading Piet Hein's Grooks the other day, and he had one verse related to this: