Slight correction... the Honda Blackbird was the first of the hyperbikes. Hyabusa is the Japanese name for the Peregrine Falcon, which hunts blackbird (and other birds) in flight.
Slight correction... the Honda Blackbird was the first of the hyperbikes. Hyabusa is the Japanese name for the Peregrine Falcon, which hunts blackbird (and other birds) in flight.
And Biff’s autograph, which has declined in value since he became POTUS.
“After thorough analysis from accounting concluding we will not lose one goddamn cent by doing this, we have decided in this isolated situation to do what our paying customers want, but don’t get used to it.”
One of the best things about being in my 40s is having no clue who these people are.
Every year it’s the same with this place. You don’t report on any of the racing on the Island, you only take time to post about racers dying with some sort of ghoulish attention to detail. Never any stories about the racing or the people who make it their sole aim in life to be there and be part of it.
Cheaters are usually the most suspicious guys. So if US Intelligence is telling me that Chinese IT spies on behalf of the Chinese government, I’m taking it as, mostly, meaning US IT spies on behalf of the US government.
Show me the whole damn car! Jesus... can’t stand all these detail shots without an overarching establishing shot
he pleads not ghillie.
1,000,000% agree. This is THEIR JOB and they CHOSE THIS JOB. Having multiple friends who have been victims of (violent) sexual assault, or in the wake of Larry Nassar’s 150+ child victims... this is just RIDICULOUSLY DUMB
I think comparing this to the #metoo movement is pretty offensive to the movement that is based around sexual harassment. The grid girls were not forced to do this and they are also being paid to be there as well.
How did you just write “run” and “crowded space” and not see the enormous risk he posed to the public?
I think I speak for all of us when I say thank fucking god.
“I would say it’s an Australian dish” Oktay Ali Sahin told SBS last year.
Home Grand Prix? Did Nertherlands invaded Belgium while I was not looking?
Then laughs when you tell them you paid $250+ for a backpack lol
Then laughs when you tell them you paid $250+ for a backpack lol
And here is a reversed version of a reverse race:
lesson here, dont leave guns in your house hold.