
So, you use wired connections except where you use wireless ones. Bold strategy.

So, you use wired connections except where you use wireless ones. Bold strategy.

Levi’s 569 Loose Straight-Leg, because I’m a man, and I lift weights, so girly little skinny jeans don’t work. If you wear skinny jeans, do some squats until you can’t wear skinny jeans anymore.

Levi’s 569 Loose Straight-Leg, because I’m a man, and I lift weights, so girly little skinny jeans don’t work. If

They switched to Monster Cables.

There are six One:1 in the entire f****** universe and one is in the hands of this asshole and probably another collecting dust in one of the garages of the sultan of Brunei never to be driven more than twice????? That makes me really angry for some reason!!!!

You know, this is the first season in MotoGP history where 8 different riders have won races. Ducati, Suzuki, and two satellite riders in the mix, all at the same time. It’s made for some unpredictable and crazy-awesome racing.

Hate to break it to you, but Lewis did not make friends with this tiger “recently.” He has been a major donor to this organization for years and has known this tiger for a long time. He actually named the tiger after his girlfriend at the time. The tiger is a rescue that is basically domesticated and friendly and is

Wow, I had forgotten how bad that CGI was

I heard they were tight but until I had to help a friend bleed his brakes at the track, I really didn’t understand until I got in. You’re close enough to hear your passenger’s innermost doubts.

And now it’s time to turn the show over to our tame gangsta investor. Some say he's into having sex, but not making love; and that he got shot nine times and lived to tell about it. All we know is he’s call The Fiddy.

Honestly, I saw more difference between good lines and bad lines than I did between FWD/RWD/AWD. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My god, that’s the oldest skit...

It’s a biker project motorcycle theme

Look at the guys at the top of the frame in the blue shirts. After the Porsche goes off, they get progressively closer to the road. Maybe they thought it was heading right towards where they were standing?

Where the fuck is AMMU-NATION?