
2030 ‘Murican dream: McMansion with a high-bay garage for a lifted Freightliner. You’ll always park inside with this house because it has a raised platform beside the driver and passenger doors so you no longer have to climb a ladder to get in/out.

Love UP trying to offload responsibility on the LAPD (not that they really deserve defending). This is 10000% a result of crew cuts, albeit indirectly. The shift to run less trains but longer ones means that you get consists that don’t fit in most yards, and thus wind up sitting on an unguarded tracks. Somebody on

What a bunch of beta cucks.

The navigation system in ALL my cars has been broken since Saturday.

Better yet:

The Russsians are funding the Americans, the Americans are funding the Canadians, who are funding the Samoans, who are in turn funding the Mongolians. We’re not sure WHO the Mongolians are funding but they are sending money somewhere. 

Oh, I know. I had a cab driver claim impotence after a minor fender bender.

My 1979 Jeep Cherokee Golden Eagle needs Jesus.

Best of luck David! May your bolts break loose and your electrical issues not be difficult.

I used to do work like this. we had a guy at the docks that would call when a container ship full of TV/VCR combos would come in, he would tell me what truck and what highway it was on

That quote sounds about white to me...

Blue Lies Matter

Here in Ontario, as soon as the ice opens up in the spring it’s fishing season and people compete to fish out the most snowmobiles. Seasoned veterans of the sport have their favorite spots, usually in communities where drinking and snowmobiling are a big thing.

Very fitting for a Scat Pack.

YouTube has taught me that you now fill the car with dogshit, glitter and explosives and park it on the porch.

Subscription eco mode. Without it, your car chugs gas and costs you more money. But if you pay us, we’ll save you money and your car will cost you less money overall.

The system got spooked by the headlights because Tesla now hires deer to program their FSD.

Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.

I’ve been saying this for ages. Why isn’t the NRA, with all their money, working with gun manufacturers who make a wider variety of guns in different sizes, weight, designs and bullet capacities along with creating classes to teach proper gun handling? As soon as a child is able, get a specific gun in their hand that

Now playing

Nah, we need to think bigger. Dead Kennedys gave us the blueprint back in the 70s.