
Everytime I see Jared’s face I want to punch it. I am 58 years old, 5'3" and 150 lbs, 23% bodyfat. Plus I wear glasses. But I know I could fuck. him. up. I see his wormy lips and that Botoxed forehead and I know it would take one crack of my bony knuckles and he would crumble like the crystal dildo he is.


And for that, she is now dead to us.

If there is a cosmic bean counter doing the math, I would love to see the net death effect of COVID, taking into account every ripple and effect from this virus and its impact on everything.

AMTRAK and WMATA both have these events from time to time. The schedule is a bit shaky, but you can find the replays on YouTube.

Now playing

Anybody who grew up watching Headbanger’s Ball on MTV knows all about this.

Make it two bullet trains, and I'm there.

At least you don’t get crankwalk with the hairdryer

I've expected for a while to see Mitsubishi and Toast in the same headline.

Thank you.

I will hunt those typos down, and I will terminate them.

This just in:

Two times three is not eight!

Actually, there are eight exhaust ports—one per exhaust valve—and they each get their own outlet pipe.

I found this interior shot from Hot Rod. The table looks different now, but the same shag carpet and green & gold trim.

That quote opening is something. Was someone accusing bed bugs of racism?

That 22r and manual need to be liberated

I am sure it scoots pretty good now seeing as how half of the weight is gone and I fail to see the aforementioned “solid frame”.

“Concentrate, Samir please!!”

It appears to say “Fan” underneath. So extra cooling fan? Maybe the heater fan? Maybe die-hard Ford Fan?

Combination shot. Black sedan, corner pocket.