
Oh? Really? No shit? Well damn. 

Yeah but they weren’t disabled teen veteran college grads with GM loyalty who financed through GMAC so really they only get the truck of the truck month dealer cash money rebate bonus spending so actually it’s more like $408,000.

Which works out to about $583,500 after interest, loan origination fee, doc fees, and dealer prep.

That $640,000 is before rebates. It’s more like $400,000, right?

Exactly, just one and CNN does not want you to see this. It’s General Electric, I think they’re an American company, I’m almost positive they are and they employ many many Americans in America and look at the features - I see a built in equalizer, with the Mid and the Treble AND auto reverse.

Look Japan has taken advantage of the United States for entirely too long. The American coal worker cannot shoulder the influx of tape decks, VHS machines, Pokemon, and all the other Japanese things that are ruining the American family. Japan - very very bad. I may build a wall in the Pacific ocean, I might do it. I

Zen master wipes his ass with a thorny stick.

Nope, still, think of this...

I mentioned this in the Facebook post but here I can post pictures. That was my girlfriend’s old project car. She sold it to the current owner who lives in Brooklyn. That weird orange color on the door is the tenants of a poorly done plasti-dip job from a shop. She picked up a 280z as a new project last week

By the way, I have an idea for Cars 4.

It’s a weird thing to get all fetishy about...

I used a color matched spray paint kit from ScratchWizard. I’ve used them before and had good results. Good luck on your E30!

It’s a curse. 

Dodge is trying to figure out how to put that in a Challenger. Stretch that platform another 50 years.

*Slaps roof box*

Nigel Thornberry in the front

“The higher the track, the lower the aerodynamic drag.”

I hear they’re afraid of being upstaged by Sugar In The Gas Tank.

I know that these systems working properly and current safety regulations makes cars incredibly safe, but I can’t help but snicker when I see this and be glad I’m driving a 1995 525i. I can actually control everything the car is doing, for better worse.