
Big E30 love here as well, and I agree.

Yeah... I’m going to have to agree on this one. A hardwired switch seems like a good idea on the surface, but it really isn’t anymore difficult to install a temperature controlled fan switch.

I like how you used likely the fattest looking photo of Musk on the internet for the headline...

So what you’re saying is that you were part of the plot for Hell or High Water?

Time to swap to a new diff ratio! Gotta keep them revs down.

Probably meant to say it was advertised as a fleet vehicle - so just bare bones, a work truck if you will.

Awesome write up, and I like the honest assessment. Sometimes vehicles just don’t live up to their dreamt up glory!

I just wanted to say that I read this article, and your comment last night.

Love the color! I don’t think I’ve seen many E30's in that shade.

Or a few Lonestar tall boys instead

I was waiting for this response, I think the big question is whether you enjoy wrenching or wrench out of necessity. I take it you’re on the former side of it. If you enjoy something, you make time / schedule for it. Simple as that!

So, I don’t have a motorcycle... but this is a great write up, more articles like this plz!

Jesus Christ, I can only think of one person that would go for that interior.

Your juices flow more for a civic si than an Aston Martin? Yikes...


God damn, those STi’s are hardly breaking a sweat.