Subaru Legacy driver here - I’ve done 550miles to a tank all highway driving. I think it would be reasonable to manage 800 miles only stopping for fuel once assuming the tank was full to begin with.
Subaru Legacy driver here - I’ve done 550miles to a tank all highway driving. I think it would be reasonable to manage 800 miles only stopping for fuel once assuming the tank was full to begin with.
Good on them for having their meet in the rain... gotta reduce the probability of spontaneous-rari-combustion.
Also, body roll.
The most impressive bit is the hellcat conquering that sweeping left-hander post burnout.
Waiting for Musk to announce, “Demon Killer update now available”
and let’s not forget the “smaller, hollow sway bars” because who needs to turn?
Whelp, looks like I know where I’ll be exploring this weekend. Thanks for the story!
Peasants have no business reading this article.
Holy shit, I would have done this in a heart beat... but I suppose my subwoofers caused enough racket back then, glad to be adult now (sort of).