
Isn't that kind of Rushmore. I mean, Max Fischer is certainly talented, but he's not nearly as smart as he thinks, and his future is hardly assured to be an endless succession of success.

Isn't that kind of Rushmore. I mean, Max Fischer is certainly talented, but he's not nearly as smart as he thinks, and his future is hardly assured to be an endless succession of success.

You do realize you can legally fuck a 19 year old, right? Unless your a 14 year old. In which case get off the internet and go do your damn homework.

You do realize you can legally fuck a 19 year old, right? Unless your a 14 year old. In which case get off the internet and go do your damn homework.

Not only that, he once stayed conscious, though paralyzed, during major surgery. This dude has gone through some shit.

Not only that, he once stayed conscious, though paralyzed, during major surgery. This dude has gone through some shit.

I just want to chime in and say that Peter Dexter is awesome. His novel Deadwood is an American classic. Plus, read the Vice interview with him if you want to see just what a bad ass motherfucker he is in real life. Seriously - that dude has taken some lumps. I'm surprised a guy like Daniels would be drawn to his

I just want to chime in and say that Peter Dexter is awesome. His novel Deadwood is an American classic. Plus, read the Vice interview with him if you want to see just what a bad ass motherfucker he is in real life. Seriously - that dude has taken some lumps. I'm surprised a guy like Daniels would be drawn to his

Yeah, my bad. To be fair, it's not so much that I want to claim him for an American, as I think all white people are the same.

Yeah, my bad. To be fair, it's not so much that I want to claim him for an American, as I think all white people are the same.

Couldn't disagree more. I thought both trailers (and the second one fleshes out more of the story) look like the most exciting thing he's done in years (and I say that as someone who thinks his recent work - A Dangerous Method excluded since I haven't seen it yet - is exceptional).

Couldn't disagree more. I thought both trailers (and the second one fleshes out more of the story) look like the most exciting thing he's done in years (and I say that as someone who thinks his recent work - A Dangerous Method excluded since I haven't seen it yet - is exceptional).

Because at this point Cronenberg's ego really needs validation. It's not as though he's spent the last three decades proving himself as one of the great American filmmakers by making great films or anything.

Because at this point Cronenberg's ego really needs validation. It's not as though he's spent the last three decades proving himself as one of the great American filmmakers by making great films or anything.

Almost as in she was the nominee of the other major party. Same goes for Bob Dole. I recognize that they weren't close elections, but they were still the election, and that's close enough for it to be scary.*

Almost as in she was the nominee of the other major party. Same goes for Bob Dole. I recognize that they weren't close elections, but they were still the election, and that's close enough for it to be scary.*

Hey, I didn't say it's likely to happen, just that it's not something that's completely unbelievable. And Bachman is not that different from Palin. Nor is Jan Brewer, or any number of male politicians without a brain. MY point is that the idea of having to be above the fray in order to make it in politics no longer

Hey, I didn't say it's likely to happen, just that it's not something that's completely unbelievable. And Bachman is not that different from Palin. Nor is Jan Brewer, or any number of male politicians without a brain. MY point is that the idea of having to be above the fray in order to make it in politics no longer

Actually, they don't. Both Britta and Jeff think it's terrible. It's only Abed's dad that gets the underlying subtext of it.

Actually, they don't. Both Britta and Jeff think it's terrible. It's only Abed's dad that gets the underlying subtext of it.