
Ugh, that fucking movie. I completely agree with you on the parts of her writing you hear. Also, the way his character would have died (saving a kid) is so fucking dumb.

Ugh, that fucking movie. I completely agree with you on the parts of her writing you hear. Also, the way his character would have died (saving a kid) is so fucking dumb.

I could care less how the fictional audience would or wouldn't respond in real life. Nothing about that film is coherent in the least. You could  tell that De Palma probably wrote the thing in three days on a huge coke bender. I mean, Leech escapes from prison in a cardboard box, for crying out loud.

I could care less how the fictional audience would or wouldn't respond in real life. Nothing about that film is coherent in the least. You could  tell that De Palma probably wrote the thing in three days on a huge coke bender. I mean, Leech escapes from prison in a cardboard box, for crying out loud.

Same goes for Phantom of the Paradise.

Same goes for Phantom of the Paradise.

All of Winslow's songs in Phantom of the Paradise. In fact, that songs in that film are all so good that even the ones that are supposed to be crass and empty are fucking electrifying. Paul Williams for the motherfucking win.

All of Winslow's songs in Phantom of the Paradise. In fact, that songs in that film are all so good that even the ones that are supposed to be crass and empty are fucking electrifying. Paul Williams for the motherfucking win.

True fucking this.

True fucking this.

"There are plenty of reasons why Hillary Clinton has worked her way to
the top in DC, while Sarah Palin has morphed into a reality-TV star: At
some point, you have to learn how to remain above the fray."

"There are plenty of reasons why Hillary Clinton has worked her way to
the top in DC, while Sarah Palin has morphed into a reality-TV star: At
some point, you have to learn how to remain above the fray."

And yes, who would want to work with a hack like Tarantino. It's not as though he's made some of the most critically acclaimed hits of the last two decades. It's not as though he's ever revived/started actors careers. It's not as though anyone he's ever directed went on to win a bunch of awards and snag big parts

Yes, an A-list revenge flick about a freed slave killing sadistic white Southern slave owners sounds like a terrible idea for a movie. What person - nay, what kind of a person - would ever want to see that?

That is fantastic news.

What are you talking about? He has a complex, show stopping role on a critically acclaimed, award winning show that has a strong, if not giant, fanbase; he was the standout performer on a previous show that has already earned its place as an all-timer, and now he's getting a beefed up role in a Tarantino film that

How does he have the worse literary executors of anyone? Almost every single thing he ever wrote is being or has been put out. Since his death he's become one of the most revered and influential writers of his generation, the whole world over. Hell, 2666 might be the major work of the last 15 or so years, and that's

Yeah, I know that's what sucks about work. Doesn't mean that young people (of which I am one) bitching about it is any less insufferable. And yes, I get that the scene is poking fun at the character. That still doesn't make it any less insufferable. Might be different if there was like a joke or something. But there's

So what? Sopranos was a game-changer one episode in. The first four episodes of Curb are classic. Veep is only three eps in and is fantastic. I'm not saying that every show needs to be an all-timer (though everyone defending this show seems, for some reason, to think it is/will be), just that this show isn't bringing

Seriously, every guy on this show is more of a douche, and has a more punchable face than the last. I'm sure this is intentional, but it's really infuriating and off-putting. Not because I give two shits about how are men portrayed, but because if I wanted to watch a show filled with a bunch of smug,