
See, to me though, there's not really anything cutting about it. It's not like it takes any effort to cut into rich privileged white kids. The fact that we're also supposed to empathize with this character is undercut by everything she says. To me this show is just unlikeable rich privileged white kids being

Yeah, after that speech about how it sucks having to work because you have to do it every day, I'm done with this show. You don't have to have likeable characters, but how am I expected to ever feel anything other than contempt for a character like that?

They could get DB Sweeny to play him.

Maybe Benh Zeitlan saw the path DGG was going down and decided someone had to pick up the slack.

The characters in Tree of Life weren't rich. Also, you're the reason the rest of us don't like white people.

It had dinosaurs, and big-bang shit. Also, voice over.

Have a really good lox bagel and talk that shit son.

In all seriousness, people assume that because she's stayed out of the spotlight and hadn't done a huge publicity push for her last album that she's somehow washed up, when the fact is that her last album came out to great reviews, and she has a large devoted fanbase.

Plus it's been renewed rather quickly during each season, gotten some good award recognition, and has a (well fucking deserved) rabid fanbase. This show doesn't need Mad Men style accolades, or even Breaking Bad obssession. It's doing just fine.

This is…true.

Actually, there is currently a show about black people and their problems (as well as triumphs) made by the same guy and no one is watching it. Which is too bad, b/c it's really good.

I'm not saying Jews aren't white, but I am saying that Roth is veeeery Jewish (except, you know, religiously), and Updike is veeeery WASP-Y.

Me too.

Nothing about it does anything for you? Not even Suzy's tits? Cause those are pretty good from where I'm sitting.

Wait - the prize for seeing IE ten times is that you get ANOTHER viewing of it? What the fuck kind of reward is that?

I think you mean: yalp su spleh norI!

I saw Brett Easton Ellis give a reading a few years back, and when asked about the adaptations of his books(which, kind of annoyingly, took up a large percentage of the questions) he said he liked liked the film Less Than Zero, but that he wished someone would make a movie based on his book at some point.

I just want to get something straight: you're saying that Lolita the film (and I assume you mean the Kubrick one) is a good movie despite not being very faithful, right? Because that I would agree with.

Agreed, agreed, agreed.

^^^This right here. Every word.