
And I would go farther, to say that the Lord of the Rings movies are better than the books.

I agree in principle, but MASH is pretty darn perfect movie too, and that being turned into a TV show didn't turn out too bad, to say the least. I

Well, the main character is a seedy billionaire who spends all of his time in a limo. I think the paleness is actually appropriate in this case.

I think both Mao II and White Noise are entirely adaptable, they just require someone like Cronenberg or The Coens or PTA - directors with cart blanche, exceptional talent and a grand vision. Mao II in particular is pretty straightforward, story-wise.

This film looks to be filled with extreme sex, body mutilation and giant rats. Cronenberg might be held in high regard by everyone at this point in his career (and rightly so), but this has ZERO chances of awards.

Yeah, Limbo is great. Another great film of his that has something of an ambiguous ending (though not as extreme as Limbo) is City of Hope. That's a really underrated one.

I disagree. I just read the synopsis of that lost chapter, and though I think the story is better left as is, completley ambiguous, I'll still take SPOILER: girls lost in an aboriginal dream universe than a simple rock slide.

I don't hate any of the characters in The Excorsist. Except that damn devil. He's a dick.

The thing is, if it is an elaborate death dream (and by the way, it's not), then the film loses all of its social critique. That the violent psychopath is rewarded and celebrated thanks to a warped sense of cultural morality is the point. It is emphatically NOT a happy ending, even for Bickle, as that last little warp

HOLY FUCK! Thank you unto eternity for bringing this to my attention. I live in LA, and I fucking love the 3 Zulawski films that I have seen (Possession, obviously - which I'd put in my top 5 favorite films ever, Diabel and On A Silver Globe - which might be the craziest film I've ever seen).

If you like horror, and you like Sam Neil, you owe it to yourself to watch Possession. Like, fucking STAT. Makes those ones you named look like Pixar films.

We were promised Possession would come up in this interview, and Will delivered. Huzzah!

That movie already has a "face-off" b/t Seyfried and Moore that totally saves it.

I doubt he's cooled on it. The reason that he doesn't freak out on the kids is because, for all of the shit people give him for being an eccentric who's outspoken on his own intellectual property (imagine that), he's actually a reasonable, sane, cool dude (at least going by interviews).

Johnny or Boyd specifically mentioned something about Arlo losing it either in the last episode or the one before it.

Hey, taking righteous indignation against meaningless Hollywood properties is as much  a part of the boards as canceraids jokes and Dawes. I wish sites started using that sarcasm font already. Would make things much easier.

1. It did NOT work for Heston. That is a great film marred by a terrible lead performance and one of the worst make-up jobs in all of film.

I can't tell if you're joking or not. As a fellow Mex, I don't see what's so offensive about it. Uninspired and kind of dumb sounding? Yeah, sure. But offensive? I mean, at least they're actually going with a Mexican, instead of Jake Gyllanhal in brown face.

That's partially true, though I figured it would be more about a reasonable person (the one who does the slapping), being drawn into the insanity caused by an oversensitive society, where people question what it means to be a man, a child, a parent, etc.

Tried reading the book, got about half-way through. It's not that I mind unlikeable characters, but the voice the writer adopts for each of them is both over-the-top and condescending, so that they simply come off as asshole characters written by an asshole. It's not that they don't have any redeeming qualities (which