I saw that too this time. I didn’t even understand what I was looking at initially, but it was a bunch of mutilated cats and a murdered infant, in the middle of a completely normal thread. Like, WTSF? Why do psychos like this exist?
I saw that too this time. I didn’t even understand what I was looking at initially, but it was a bunch of mutilated cats and a murdered infant, in the middle of a completely normal thread. Like, WTSF? Why do psychos like this exist?
I was anti-abortion once too. And by “once” I mean middle of eighth grade until beginning of sophomore year-ish. I’m a junior now, so this was like YESTERDAY.
Oh damn, I was into PETA when I was in fifth grade. I did a project on it for the EXPAND (gifted and talented) program at my school, which I never finished or presented.
I also used to be against affirmative action.
I was a communist once, and I announced it to my entire third-grade class. To this day, I’m surprised I wasn’t sent to the office for that one.
Alright, guys.
Same. Too young to drink, now just inhaling donuts and croissants and candy on a daily basis. I was so proud of myself for losing four pounds over the summer, and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if I’ve put on five pounds or my pre-diabetes has evolved into actual diabetes or both. Especially since I’m too busy…
Yeah, no, I hope that asshole left with Gawker. The chicken comment made me think you were that guy under a different username (we have trolls with 17 accounts), or at least a copycat of him.
a) My deliberate obtuseness, not yours. “Rhetorical question” would have been a better way to put it.
👎 <———- the point
Yep. This is how I procrastinate on my homework. 😛
It’s Halloween, right? Or is it Easter and I’ve been living in a time warp?
Rigging? Bad oppo =! voter fraud. Bad oppo= wrong, but not voter fraud wrong, and definitely not Trump-level wrong.
Yeah. I knew almost all swear words by 7, although I knew I was too young to use them. Pretty sure my peers and I started using light swear words like “damn” and “hell” around 10-11. By 13 it was full-on “fuck you, you stupid ass bitch”. Now at 16 it’s “fucking fucksticks and their motherfucking bullshit need to go…
My mom also passed away a year ago.
I don’t get it. What is the point of this? Is it “watch the scary evil gays recieve due penance!” or “Watch this scary devil gun down innocent people!”
I can imagine my teachers discussing something like that. Maybe not so bluntly, though.
I’m not the one who referenced a known troll’s “greatest hit” from six months ago.
Hypnosis also helps. Look for some self-hypnosis videos on YouTube.
I’m at a different stage in my education, but I can kind of relate. I feel like The College Search is going to take over my life. I’ve missed two of my team’s matches and my school’s Halloween party this week because of SAT prep. Hope/longing/fantasizing about the future is the only thing that keeps me going.