
Mad fuckery. And she’s the better actor of the two, by a long shot. (Sorry David...you’ll always be my first teenage crush <3)

Davis deserves all the stars.

:) I’m glad I’m not the only one. I love that marsala color.

I love my DivaCup. I’ve been using it for a number of years now. The cost is great, and personally, I love that it doesn’t dry me out like tampons or pads used to. It’s pretty great I only have to use a backup pad on my heaviest days.

I’ve fallen off the updates lately—it’s been too much—my troll of an aunt spent an otherwise pleasant afternoon yelling at mixed company about the “terrifying Avery family” and the murderer Steven (she lives near them, her kid had a run-in with the family once, on an ATV...ugh)—and I’m slammed at work. But this one

Par for the course: poor meme wording=meme fail

I hereby demand that retailers start demanding wide widths. I want cute footwear too dammit.

I hereby demand that retailers start demanding wide widths. I want cute footwear too dammit.

Poor wording, it’s more like driving cell phone users/texters have a 23% higher chance of getting in a car accident.

Producers and GMs should work out in the cold once in awhile.

Here’s one:

Heh. You’re right; that was my assessment before watching the doc. And I almost didn’t watch, because I felt nauseated even thinking about pushing play. But once I saw the comments after that first weekend...I realized there was more to the story than I had heard in 2005-7 and it’d be foolish not to. Even then, it

I found his tears to be disingenuous, at least partially. I suspect the filmmakers did too.

I’m glad he’s doing it. I’d like to hear from more journalists who covered the story back then...

That’s my take-away of 2015 too. I hope the realizations stick.

I know—their mannerisms were weird, right? Almost smirking. I wonder how much they knew about what the authorities were up to. It doesn’t take much imagination to suspect that the authorities were skirting rules and standard procedure with Halbach’s family too. Maybe the brother and (ex?)boyfriend knew more than they

I applauded (in agreement, not joy) and cried at the same time when he said that. He hit the nail on the fucking head.

I agree, though I’m feeling personally very frustrated with this here home state of Wisconsin. The potential for abuse of power at the local level is astronomical *anywhere.*

ugh. oh god.

Unfathomable. That was exactly my reaction when this all went down in 2005. Hell, I remember the news from the Innocence Project just prior—Avery’s story was well know all over Wisconsin. It was held up as a miracle we freed a wrongly convicted man.

Not only do I *feel* that’s it’s problematic, it *is* problematic. You seem to be offended that I have strong feelings about how people are being dragged around by this doc, which is just strange.