
Hmm. Bergdahl came across as a self-involved dink when I listened to the first episode. My gut reaction was eventual court-martial; it’ll be interesting how Koenig keeps up with it.


Ditto, except my husband sorta understands, but probably thinks I let it get to me too much. But really, it’s my fucking name.

My paternal aunt addressed a Christmas card to Mrs. Spike McDuff this week, and I was ticked. My name is Azura Bronwyn, always has been, even after I married 2 years ago. One who has known me my entire life has to do literally nothing new to correctly address me. And yet, I lose my identity and become an extension of

I tried. I couldn’t. It’s not me.

I believe you’re right, but I don’t trust my memory enough to post as much. And I’m not exactly in the mood to dredge up the facts of the case right now. This Netlix feature is sure to do so, however.

Right. It’s one of the reasons I’m now working a boring desk job instead of gathering news. As a society, we should have a deeper understanding of what’s not working...as an individual, I don’t need to wade around ghoulish peoples’ minds. It’s a tension.

That he was convicted and then released for a crime he didn’t commit. Then, with his nephew, he lured a woman (a freelance photographer) to his property, killed her, and then burned her body.

I did misunderstand you—thanks; I’m glad we both clarified our points.

I worked as a freelance photographer, and as a photojournalist who helped cover the Calumet county Avery trial, in Wisconsin during this time. *Everything* about this story creeps me out.

According to my mil husband, this is going to be huge for breaking the glass ceiling for women to become eligible for high ranking military positions—positions that had previously been closed off because the path to those high level jobs exclusively stemmed from lower positions that had been only open to men.

Defensive much?

FINALLY. I couldn’t believe album sharing was so hard to come by when I was seeking out options for our wedding reception last year.

I mean, I feel like there aren’t that many places in the world where you can drive for 2000-3000 miles and experience exactly the same culture.

Folks generally don’t confuse French culture for German culture, however. Not in the way the above highlights a confusion between culture in Texas and that, say, of the US Midwest.

I disagree. Wisconsin and Arizona have divergent cultures—we don’t even have the exact same culture between downtown Madison and a ‘burb 60 minutes north. Get real.

This. I’ve noticed that Europeans really can’t wrap their heads around the idea that the US is *huge,* at least compared to their own countries, and we’re truly a multi-cultural melting pot. And that, no, we’re not all gun nuts.

He was in Iraq in 2001, though we hadn’t met yet—this is his third, my first. Thanks—always nice to hear from another mil spouse :)

I would have loved to get that card. Good on you.

I love getting holiday photos—and getting actual mail is even better! I’d rather get a postcard than a long-winded self-congratulatory (or even worse, maudlin) newsletter. Sure, I may keep it only a few weeks—but it’s nice to hold something, anything, in this digital age.