Oh I’m sorry, where is that written? Is it a law? Says who?
Oh I’m sorry, where is that written? Is it a law? Says who?
Honestly I don’t care about the design, I don’t like it, so what, that’s like 3 pokemon out of the 800 we have. It’s impossible to like them all.
There are a ton of people who are complaining about the wrestler look of Litten’s final form. So it is not like there is only hate towards Popplio’s final form.
The internet has made it really hard for a ton of people to form their own opinions. They see a relatively similar point of view and just join up with it no matter how much bs it comes with.
Racism actually isn’t strictly the belief of genetic superiority. The definition of racism in sociology circles is the creation of tiered groups in society that shape the institutional systems around us economically, politically, and culturally. One racial group is given preference in hiring practices, and…
Yeah, what they’re describing is, like you said, soft banning or silencing or, in SA parlance, Hellbanning where the person who is talking doesn’t realize they’re muted.
Dunno if you’ve heard of this, but search for “the new Jim Crow internet.” It’s easy to pretend it’s not an actual thing but I can only imagine there are going to be more and more articles calling it what it is going forward. It’ll be an uphill battle considering how people deal with racism (especially in the context…
Ok you took that in a circle. Kids first learn from their parents and environment or do you think kids are now born with Wi-Fi and wireless ear buds?
People aren’t randomly generating racism tho. These are things they think and say and joke about in private. That it isn’t the only prevalent prejudice or bigotry online merely speaks to the actual depth of the problem, and just how shitty people are in general. I I have a ten and 9 year old and neither do that shit (…
People saying shit on the internet is not idicative of anything.
I’m not sure what you think is “bad reasoning” you essentially just agreed with me.
But it’s all of a piece (is that the right phrase?). In this, or any culture, there is one way to be. And if you aren’t that thing, everything else is cause for mockery and derision. So it’s not really just being an asshole, it is bigotry, but bigotry can take many forms. It’s a many headed hydra. I mean think about…
Gaming as a culture is still very much a juvenile community dominated by the walking cliches and anti social trolls we worked hard to pretend don’t represent us. but they do, online anyway. That being said this is sadly the same shit you’ll see in any popular livestream, be it politics or sports or games. Kids on the…
LOL, you are reading way too much into this if you somehow came to the conclusion that I hated female main characters because I don’t cross-dress. I don’t even know how you made that jump, but after seeing your response to Orannano, maybe you have some issues of your own to work out.
It’s not about fear of being girly - or fear of losing masculinity. That is actually an extremely rude comment to men everywhere. Is it wrong to not like it that my Pokemon is in a dress? No. I have my tastes and he has his. And so do you. I just like my Pokemon strong, big and scary-looking, like I always have. I’m a…
Are you seriously telling a pokénerd, who has been playing Pokemon for 20 years, to suddenly go against tradition and choose another type, JUST BECAUSE? As someone who always chooses water, I am very sad about the look. Very very sad (Like the song in the Scott Pilgrim film).
Fire kitteh ftw, though
Yep, that was intentional when I started here years ago, and I never bothered to change it to something else. I don’t care if people on the site think I’m tough - I’m not trying to be. Cross-dressing isn’t bad, I fully support it if people want to do it, but it’s just not to my tastes to do it myself.
I think this is more of a case of the fandom is so huge you’re chance of upsetting someone is 100%.