It does suck to get dragged into long conversations with people less intelligent than me about stupid shit. Fortunately, I’m getting paid a considerable sum of money for being ‘butthurt’ while occasionally glancing over at another computer screen.
It does suck to get dragged into long conversations with people less intelligent than me about stupid shit. Fortunately, I’m getting paid a considerable sum of money for being ‘butthurt’ while occasionally glancing over at another computer screen.
You haven’t provided a single point to rebut. You claimed that the ‘official’ explanation of the horizon is wrong by saying “it contradicts itself”. OK. Counterpoint: no it doesn’t, you just don’t get basic geometry, apparently. That was quick!
I guess you picked shut up.
No, silly troll.
You still haven’t spelled out what you think is true.
Okay, you didn’t MAKE an argument. You presented one DeGrasse-Tyson made and then said “doesn’t that seem wrong?”
There’s a much more logical explanation than “basically every scientist since forever is part of giant global conspiracy cabal.”
I’ve learned how to keep my hype levels balanced with equal amounts of realism over the years. So NMS turned out pretty decent for me.
I play overwatch daily and had no idea about this character. It’s very much a Forum driven entity. So “ A Huge” number is likely really denigrated to the few thousand that uniquely post on reddit and/or the Blizzard forums. If **Every** overwatch play was mildly interested then I am sure the secret would have been…
At this point it might as well translate to ‘Drink More Ovaltine.’
“Hyping something for too long can result in complete loss of hype.”
Question for all Sombra hunters: Why 5%? Why not 6%? or 10, or any other number. Why specifically 5?
You’re my new favorite.
Oh, I may have misspoke myself. Anthropology was a... well it was a long time ago. I may have some of that wrong.
NASA themselves admits all pictures released to the public are photoshopped.
I think the gamer adult is a new thing, but in time we’ll become a normal American family type. It’s a part of my life, its a part of my relationship and how we’re raising our son. You just have to find a person who “gets it” or even better lives it with you.
My wife plays games AND I’m a game designer. I get away with a lot of gaming, but I find it’s best if I do some of her usual chores. For example tomorrow I’ve got a date with I am Setsuna, but not before i brush the dog (she’s a shedder) and vacuum.
Well, “get a job playing video games” kind of shortcircuits how many people this will be applicable for - a noble Adequate Man tradition!
I can confirm this advice is true.