
I’m hoping stuff line Heretic/Hexen gets revived, too.

It’s been awhile since that post, but I’m pretty sure that was my point.

It’s more a subset of people get thier entertainment spamming complaints or pseudo-profound laments that more "artistic" games don't get attention.  I don't remember it being this bad years ago though.  It's to the point on Steam they should ban duplicate topics because the trolls drown out most meaningful discussion.

This reminds me of Beastars. It’s only due to voice actors being familiar with the source material that saved Louis (Lou-ee) from being pronounced incorrectly in the dub, and even then a cringe inducing Lou-iss slips through in the background once.

I usually roll my eyes when people cry "dumbed down" but I'll jump on board here.

My nephew has a girlfriend of Greek descent and it's horrifying how incredibly off our pronunciation is in English even when using the Greek names.

Now playing

This Star Trek quote sums it up. A bunch of people pronouncing a name wrong doesn’t make it right. I like to say people renamed Tidus when they say it wrong. They just use the same spelling.

So you pronounce Banshee as ban sith?

It’s a real term though. I think it’s silly to ignore the real pronunciation. It would be like Elden Ring pronouncing Blaidd as blade instead of the correct Blythe, which is how the same name is often spelled in English.

Specifically the fact Valve is a private company that isn't a slave to investors.  Valve saying no to control freaks and allowing adult games when the theocrats went on a flagging spree probably wouldn't have happened otherwise.  Look at what happened to Tumblr in comparison.  

The smart thing would be to roll it back entirely.  It shouldn't even be legal.

I don't rate this as I would click bait because it's honest about what it is.  You get what you see in the title.  I'm fine with that.

Final Fantasy XIII has vocal critics more than an actual mixed reception. It’s overall positive with very specific common criticisms. The people that call it an autoplaying slog just don’t know how to play it well though, frankly.  Paradigms are basically the commands of the game, and not switching every other queue

Keep in mind Kotaku doesn’t use numerical scores. Mixed likely is referring to the text of the reviews.  It's also sad Bethesda is so ridiculous with the blackballing.  Kudos to Kotaku for refusing to be an extension of thier marketing and not shying from uncomfortable reporting.

People clamoring for gore in games being perfectly accepted while mocking nudity or sexuality has been the norm is far more disturbing, in my opinion. And in this case, it sounds like modders have been equal opportunity when it comes to female and male characters. It’s more amusing than anything to me, personally. Now

They offered Sega too?  I knew the PlayStation was originally an addon for the SNES but I didn't know Sega turned Sony down too.

I just remember my cousins having it and complaining how it ate through absurd amounts of batteries.

The PS3 couldn’t recreate that with its outrageous launch price.  It's mind boggling it lost all the money Sony made from the brand, and a fantastic job that they were able to turn it around by the end.

Yes, we were taught Christopher Colombus was awful. Maybe I just had a good public school, but it was suburban and in Paul Ryan’s district. We were absolutely taught about the awful things in our history. The Trail of Tears, intentionally spreading illness to the Native Americans. The Vietnam war was presented as the

Yep. The thing to understand about the bigots and "I’m not a bigot; I just don’t want to have to see you exist” crowds is they have a delusion they are a supermajority.  So anything going wrong is confirmation bias to them.