I don't understand how the awful lollipop made it to market. Just how many levels of people did it make it through?
I don't understand how the awful lollipop made it to market. Just how many levels of people did it make it through?
This is delightful seeing Republicans reap what they sowed, but I hope it doesn’t end with the far right getting thier way with this temper tantrum. I’d love to see a unity candidate give the extremists the opposite of what they want. People need to stop treating narrow majorities as a mandate for thier wildest…
Who it was is only half of it. Personally I'd never be comfortable playing a game with something like that in it.
This article lays things out in too absolute of terms, and sprinkling in cool sounding progressive dreams makes it almost silly. It’s a good talking point, but reducing it into a “people should be upset” rant diverts the attention away from the important points. The complaining about AI in general is the “okay…
AutoTune ruined the live action Beauty and the Beast to me. I’d rather Emma Watson have some imperfections than sound like someone is playing a keyboard with her voice sampled when holding notes.
I hope the era of banishment to handheld devices is over. I understand for some people some games seem “meant” for a portable experience, but I’ve always gravitated to things like Super Game Boy and the GBA add-on for the GameCube. The advent of the Switch and Steam Deck is great for people that like portable games,…
I’m pretty sure FFX-2 was under development before the merger.
The nice thing about sequels or prequels you feel “didn’t need to exist” is you can ignore them. The millions sold (or even thousands for more niche things) show enough feel otherwise to justify it.
Isn’t this the country that banned EverQuest? I find it difficult to take Brazilian game ratings seriously after that.
There are numerous other developers if you have no interest in thier style. It’s like complaining Picasso’s art isn’t realistic enough.
Not everyone shares your opinion. In fact many survival mods feature a variety of options for people with different tastes. Then there are the more absurd ones that over-emphasize needing certain nutrients on a level far beyond real humans, but to each thier own they exist because some people like it.
The divide between my loving Nintendo’s games but being disgusted about how it treats its fans stinks. They don't have to be like this.
The high point for me was the Star Fox comic that got an encore.
What on Earth made them think artist name to imitate style was a good idea? I think given time enough people would opt into this kind of thing to still threaten the work of artists, but doing it the way they did is astronomically stupid.
Dr. Who
It was severely underfunded though from the sounds of it.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Cerberus existing need not be quite as dire as you fear. Villains will always pop up. Goodness just needs to persevere.
Steam isn’t intrinsically required. See Final Fantasy X and a bunch of other games as an example. Steam offers optional DRM and some games will launch Steam if it’s detected even if they don’t require it, but a game can be both DRM free and support Steam’s achievements and other features. Most games bought on Steam do…
Oh absolutely, and yes some absolutely think things like biological sex shouldn’t be acknowledged as a thing. It’s an extreme minority that is that crazy about it, of course, but there is a subset of people with the mentality of “if you say biological birth sex is a thing you’re garbage.” The difference is that fringe…
The problem has not only gotten worse. It needs to get better, but energy efficiency standards have gone way up, and change is happening. It may be slow and not as fast as we would like, but I think it's just plain wrong to outright ignore the things that have been accomplished.