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Well most transgendered people also have trouble participating in society as the genedr they identified with (e.g. a trans woman may be harassed if she tries to enter a female public bathroom).

With respect to trans-genderism, I think you’re conflating sex and gender. The argument is that there biological differences between sexes, but gender is purely a social construct. A trans woman for example, still has a ‘male brain’ but is a woman.

I see what you mean, but this argument is entirely based upon other people (particularly cis-people) ‘judging’ whether the trans-gender person is “sufficiently authentic” or not. That is, the trans person has to convince the by-and-large cis population that yes, they are *really* trans.

I’m not agreeing with what Dolezal did but your argument here is incredibly shaky. Yes, both gender and race are profoundly different constructs, but if you admit that they are both constructs, then why is the door open for self-ientification with respect to one but not the other? As you yourself admit, the second

Sure but trans-genderism is about gender, not sex. I believe the typical argument w.r.t identity politics is that both gender (again, gender, not sex) and race are purely social constructs.

The theory that somehow a black body is somehow inherently psychologically different was the one used to justify slavery in the first place.

Actually there are places in both Asia and Africa where female sex tourism happens (i.e. typically women from Europe and N. America having hiring a local ‘temporary boyfriend’ for money.)

Now playing

May be you should exchange ‘bro’ and ‘ho’ in this clip I guess?


He’s not my type (if he was an otter like me I’d go for it), but he probably smells like...

People can resort to other ways of “asserting masculinity” as well: there’s a scene in the BBC series “The Politician’s Husband” where in a politician couple, the husband loses the job, the wife doesn’t. The husband lounges around the house for a few days feeling bitter, left behind and emasculated. And the next time


As an addendum: it’s like when men say “I wish I were a woman! I’d be able to get people to buy me drinks!”


I mean that to say “I wish I were <insert minority group which you are not part of>” is an ignorant thing to say, and you’re putting your privilege-blindness on display here.

That’s quite an ignorant thing to say.