
Helped gay people long before it was popular and so did her husband Bill

Woohoo neo colonialism!

She did the Arab Spring? Is that like doing the Nae Nae?

All these people condemning safe spaces under the auspices of intellectual openness have never really needed safe spaces. Try again when you’re POC, a woman etc ffs

Uh, yeah, it was. That is a true statement right there.

I feel like a little while back there was also a reveal that they primarily targeted black and brown customers as potential “shoplifters” too. Zara is pretty racist all in all.

Well, they have all put bombing the Middle East (except Israel), including Iran, on the plate. Four more years! Four more years!

If that happens, you should vote for Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate. She shares many policies and views with Bernie Sanders.

When the Democratic Party puts rules in place to keep grassroots campaigns from competing, I owe them nothing. If Trump is president, it will be because government has failed us in creating a democracy.

That’s a false dichotomy. Other people are running for the presidency that are better on all of those issues.

No, I’m absolutely serious about my questions, especially the first. Do you think Clinton is proud to have such xenophobic supporters?

Do you speak for all “Bernie-or-bust” folk? No. What you are saying is simply untrue. I did not vote for Obama and I criticize him regularly. I think Obamacare isn't everything Hillary says it is. I think he has been completely absent in 2nd term. I am not a republican and I am not a democrat. I will be writing

Do you understand that US politics affect world politics? Do you understand that the country closest to yours is the one most directly affected by US politics? Do you understand that NAFTA had the same negative effects on Canada as it did on the United States?

The lesser of two evils is still evil. I’ve never voted for a candidate I didn’t support and I’m not sure why you think anyone should do that aside from having bought into the rhetoric of fear.

And that is their point. For most minority, as well as other, groups in this country it will change FAR worse under Trump than Clinton. Acting like you get to always be in love with your candidate shows naivete or inexperience

My life would change for the worse under either a Trump or Clinton presidency. Nice try, though!

And we can keep pressure on her throughout her presidency to come through with her campaign promises.

To be fair, being allowed to vote at all is a privilege in a country where there are millions of citizens who have been deliberately disenfranchised by putting them into for-profit prisons.

Apparently choosing to not vote for a candidate that doesn’t represent ones’ interests is now a privilege.