
Don't forget The Horourable Woman.

Meh. Good American tv series are incredibly hard to come by. We don't need to compare it to American tv. It can stand well with any other good British series.

Surely this is a setup for some Bruno movie, right?


Awww look! It's our BFF Saudi Arabia!

Yes I'm familiar with the Houellebecq book and the whole "we're equal opportunity offenders" nonsense. It is part and parcel of the hipster racist approach, nothing new here.

Are you familiar with the term "hipster racism"? "We're only mocking the far right racists" is the classic go-to excuse for leftist racists.

"Oversexed" = "I'll have sex with you and grope you anytime I damn well please!"

Perhaps "Running circles around his 20-something friends" means that one time he literally ran in a circle around a 20-something person.

Alternatively, be mummified alive.

I've also always been oversexed and know what I'm doing in the bedroom. I am a romantic, but I also have a kinky edge and have experience in dominant play (D/s).


P.S: candidate should be ok with possibly being murdered and buried under the floorboards.

You know what this means?

One point though: while it's true that there's a myth about the Queen Maya having a dream about a white elephant, to my knowledge it has never been claimed that the birth of Siddhartha (i.e. Buddha-to-be) was a virgin birth. It has always been the assumption that the King was prince Siddhartha's (biological) father.

In that case I suggest they do a DNA test once the baby is born, given all the shenanigans by gov't agents we've been hearing about I would not put it past the guy responsible for delivering it to replace the the stuff with his own.

It's probably because most people realize that without the resurrection and the virgin birth, their belief in Christianity isn't very coherent. You remove those and Jesus just another philosopher/preacher, no different than Apollonius of Tyana or Aristotle or Lao Tzu. The entire basis for Christianity is Jesus was

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Actually according to Mitchell and Webb, the ads tell us it's shaving and drinking.

May be, but there are some real obstacles here: a)sometimes just not a pragmatic goal b)difficult to separate from real instances of racism/xenophobia c)bad choice of messengers (e.g. Biden likes to do Indian accents and make 7-11 jokes)

I thought Adam Levine was a major douche after seeing him in about two episodes of the Voice, way before most other people called it. So I feel so validated now :) My suspicion that Benedict Cumberbatch is a major asshole has also been verified(he's a major life-is-so-hard-for-me whiner).