
THIS, I was just thinking.

Right? I've made some little boys cry when I was a child and let me tell you, the pitch is pretty much the same.

I see your point. I'm not a fan of pink but my boss is. She manages a department with over 35 staff members at a major car manufacturer r&d hub and EVERYTHING SHE HAS IS PINK! Her iphone case, pens, desk accessories, lap top cover, bag, so on. She is very intelligent and of course I respect her regardless of her color

Seriously, the only way you can "enjoy" a granite counter top is by fucking on it.

May Goddess help us all.

Yes. The concept is to eliminate the need to read English as well so that techs globally can understand the procedures. Also, no more wasted paper printing manuals in 100's of languages.

a pregnant skeleton racer competed in the 2006 Winter Games... Holy crap! I mean, it's her choice but wow!

Well I hope she appreciates it!

Nice. I work at a major car company making animations from their paper repair manuals. Wave of the future and all that. Although, I would prefer to work on cartoons. Even 2d ones. Southpark is made in Maya. I would even love Adventure Time work for Frederator. I just started my career so we shall see where it takes me.

I love that you referenced anti-aliasing and motion blur. #3danimator

"As a representative of Peruvian beauty" O_0

Or 2012 here in California. Same same.

You should have cut her off at 18. When you have to pay your own bills, you don't have the time or money for this shit.

Yeah no mention of Happy Endings? Best writing on tv. Although, I don't own one.

Yes that's understandable but if you read The Colonel's first comment he/she was stating that they would begin an altercation for the duration of the flight if they were told that their child was being a nuisance, thus the continued commentary on their disrespect and disregard for others.

I would have actually bought a ticket to see the film in theaters if it reflected the diversity in the book as I was a fan of the literature. I'll now wait till Netflix in protest. And to hell with all the Rue haters!

Yes, she should have been Katniss. Exact description in the book.

I would have preferred this guy as it would have added ethnic diversity to the very white cast. Very handsome indeed.

All the main characters in the movie look like they were cloned from the same European dna. I was under the impression based on description that the coal miners had olive skin and black hair and felt that the author did this to separate their classes. That is certainly not represented, although Finnick was described

I lolled...