
Ugh, I run five miles three times a week and I need water when I do it in the day time. I'm pretty fit.

For sure. There is so much stupidity on tv I think animation is the only thing I can relate to. AT raises the bar. One of my favorite quotes; "This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all of our arms collectively. But if sweetness can win and it can, I'll be here tomorrow to high five

I'm OBSESSED with this show and I just turned thirty. My 26 year old bf turned me on to it. Too Young is my favorite episode. The Earl of Lemongrab is pretty much my boss. UNACCEPTABLE CONDITION! I wish I could work on this show as I'm an animator but work in technical design. Merrrrr.

I have friends that mix the two on purpose. Just sayin...

I lolled.

No one in a suit flies southwest.

It's not illegal to be drunk you can get kicked off if you are unruly. Hence, they serve drinks at the bars and on the plane.

I was gonna say. I'm fucked up by the time I'm getting my pat down because I always opt out and it just makes the experience go by "smoothly". Dog vallum and a beer before I get dropped off, ALWAYS> followed by a vodka tonic before I board followed by peaceful sleep for the duration of my flight. I actually said "No

Me three. I can play the songs both on my motoactv and Iphone.

Japan doesn't accept immigrants due to the size of the country "homogeneous" concerns. Lucky for me I get sent on business. An erudite person with a vocabulary. Rage/Angst...Anger/anxiety...potato

Have you ever been to Japan? It amazes me that an entire society can be so considerate on public transportation, even with very young children yet your child is incapable of halting a kicking attack while knowing a living being is in the chair in front of them.

I was going to mention that, but was afraid of the OMG YOU'D BEAT YOUR KID people that would over react. I lived in Germany as a child and would fly home to visit my dad. Flights were long and if I acted up I would get the back of my arm fat pinched by my mom's long pointy fingernails. In fact, it was her public go

Clever! And thank you!

Yay! The assholes keep breeding!

Xanex/Vallum, Bose headphones = 6 hour red eye accomplished

LOL! I like just laughing directly at the person that is doing said ridiculous thing and then when they ask what I'm laughing at, I point out how funny their shtick is and ask them if they are "performers" for realistic art peaces. "Did you just fart?" has come out of my mouth on elevators and in theaters. If they

Yeah, It's a result of me trading in my android for an Iphone. Going full whammy.

I read "faces", "feaces".

Holy shit ballz. I just ordered my very first mac yesterday. Macbook pro retina 15 16 gig and I creaming my pants I can't wait for it to arrive. Three weeks! WTF?!!

I have the 24 non hd model and I always end up using the wacom tablet because the screen resolution doesn't compare to my dell monitor. Now to save up to buy yet another Cintiq.