
AWWW!!! How did your's not show up before I posted mine???!!! It would be so weird if we did it at the same time!

The gang already solved this.

Allegations of abuse within the Scouts haven't risen to Catholic Church levels of infamy yet, but the companies appear to be negotiating a merger to save costs on legal fees. News at 11.

WHY IS THIS? Obviously this was created by man, it would never survive alone in the world. It appears to simply be a case for eyes and ears..a wonder how those tiny organs function to maintain homeostasis. So very cute, I'm getting my period now.

Here before I get my first migraine of the day with your insolence:

You don't watch much news do you? The Taliban are still active in both Iran and Iraq. I can understand you disagreeing with me, but don't get wtf you want me to prove to you. Are you going to give me a sticker that smells like grapes when you are satisfied or extra credit? I didn't think so.

What you said on your first post has been taken totally out of context to the point were I can't even read any more comments on it. Jezebel is so fucking ridiculous sometimes. In one post all the commentators are drooling over a woman that has made anti feminist comments that range from praying for boobs to claiming

Hazzara were the second class of Islamic converts from Mongolia. They are a servant class and the wealthy have been know to take the young males and dress them up and rape them. As far apart as these nations are the Taliban has a hold in each one and it has been reported that in modern times they still partake in

Call me irresponsible but I've taken it out a couple of times without firing. I also was taught to shoot as a kid so I'm an accurate shot and know the rules about safety and having a blank cartridge at the top of the clip. These are useful in breaking up fights and scaring off intruders that you don't intend to maim.

Yes. TO ALL OF THAT. When your born in a ghetto you learn it by the way the police interact with your parents. Then when your an adult and you actually report a sexual crime and they are less than enthused to help you with it. You aren't so let down like everyone here that seems to be so shocked with the lack of

Yes it does.

Yeah I didn't miss the fucking point when someone was bashing my head in trying to rape me. I got the point and I have the fucking scars on my face to prove it. It's not the womans fault but these rapists and perverts are out there. THATS A FACT. Obviously they are wrong but obviously they are real threats to us.

No link but it was released six months ago with evidence that US contractors where partaking in male child prostitution at these parties across the middle east in the mentioned nations. Nothing was done about it. One of the helicopter pilots sent a memo about a contractor bragging about how young his boy was.

Just like the MBT shoes that Sketchers bought the patent to and the fat assed Kardashian is shleping. They have been proven to do nothing for your ass. Give me your money people!


Yeah I would have flashed it at him as I'd like to keep my hearing but good point.

Psst! The Wikileaks cables claimed that it was being done in the upper echelons of Pakistan, Iran and Iraq as well. As they were all one empire when the trend began.

Whatever, I'm just glad it's a she and she black! I'm buying so keep em coming!

The only way to prevent it would be for him not to do it. End of story.