
Wow all that negativity thrown at this commentator is breathtaking. Just for advising her to not take the subway at 3am out of concern for safety? I agree she's not to blame but as a woman that has been beaten to a pulp during a rape attempt I have to interject and agree with the comment. I didn't find it trolling at

Damn thats a creeper!

I fantasize about going to the Congo and hiking around and renting a jeep like Lara Croft. But because of the current state of affairs I don't least of all alone. I got your point.

Right, but wolves will always exist its the sheep that stay with the herd that don't get picked off. I think that was his point. Not that she was to blame for being there but that It would be wise for her not to be in a subway alone at 3am and then complain that the police didn't do anything for her case because there

Never mind that she was "engrossed" by her phone game and not alert to what was going on around her at all times in that hole. Yeah I worked at Scores till 4am but our managers walked us out to cabs and watched us get in and go. She can do what she wants but none of the choices made would have been mine starting with

First response I've read on this article that I agree with. I believe in cops like I believe in god, I don't. I would have been thanking you up and down for calling him out if I was the lady. We live in a society where no one wants to do the right thing and no one wants to be held accountable. I commend you heroine!

Because he didn't give a fuck. They barely can muster the want to give you directions when you ask for them.

Stories like this is why I love my gun.

Actually the important thing is that hopefully you are not, hopefully you are just you and that is a birthday gift worth being happy about.

I read in a fashion magazine (wasting time in a salon) a quote by Salma that I found disturbing: "It doesn't matter how beautiful you are, if you can't walk in heels."

When it comes to adultery. The thought of sex with another woman is the same as sex with another women.

Yes. I find them all to be the same. As an atheist when I was studding theology I found the three major monotheistic scriptures to be practically identical just written in different languages and slightly altered as the tribes moved east. Gabriel the "angel" is written the same way and brings the same message to the

So when will they start killing men for having sex with Hazara boys they purchase, dress up and make dance at parties? Is it only a crime when its two consenting adults?

Right? And NAKED! Did she prop herself up on the railing with her breasts? WTF coppers!

Right? They should change that to "share", the fuck I "like" this.

Yeah and it doesn't help that Forbes has a "Eight HOT kids to watch list." WTF is that??? This is why overtly puritanical societies are a farce. Adult sexuality is not permisible tv and film yet the pseudo sexualising of children under the pretense that its "pure" because there is no actual sex and it's on a for

Pics or no paso!

Imo they are not sanitary. One cough in there and the whole days worth of food is contaminated. But I digress, I have friends that pile in line for the korean taco truck. I was just brought up that it was pedestrian as in my hood drugs were sold from the ice cream trucks so the training has never left me. And again,

Yes to all of that historical shit. But this is now in America and we have laws for all that, puritanical as they may be to protect children in case there is a non consenting situation. You look at England and the Vatican and the use of orphaned children for "ahem" labor and you'll get the drift. Shit you spent your