
And if I wanted to be bombarded with adds I'd set Yahoo as my homepage.

Is the staff getting paid to sit around in a conference room coming up with ways to make this site unmanageable to first time visitors? Now I have to hit a link to see comments and another link to see all comments and not just the ones favored by staff and bandwagon riders and then another link to start a new thread?


The Dukes of Hazzard!

For realz! I just offed a bag of peanut mnm's and was feeling pretty good until I realized there are girls voluntarily eating cotton balls in developed countries.


The pot's calling the kettle black. And then you complain when people spill wine on you and your family?

LOL aren't electronic androgynous by nature? Is my G2X a male or female now that I rooted it to play netflix?

Sooooooooooo no people of color? I thought after the whole black president thing there would be a rise in representation on all fronts but I see the same white people on everything from alien movies to remakes of fairy tales. Sorry just to be clear to Hollywood. PLEASE PUT MORE FUCKING PEOPLE OF COLOR AS IN HISPANICS,

Looks like elephant trunk lunch meat.


It's about property.

Wow that is a bizzare stock photo. What is that salami she's got stuck between to dry ass pieces of bread???

Nice. I agree with your points. I'm willing to wager that in LA my situation is unique. When can we meet? I would love to go to Europe! You are correct in "Mamados" spelling but to us it's more a mamas boy meaning. Dominican's fail to pronounce the D in words often. I am also 29. The year of the dog was a good one!


Second that. Colombia has the same issues and the word "indios" is used to describe us in the pejorative.

I actually had a Dominican female computer programmer that was born and raised in DR tell me the same thing when I met her here in the US. She said that racism doesn't exist and that it's all in our heads. How you perceive and individual is what is important and how you influence that perception by your persona not by

Ugh.. I so used to get that too. As if proper English and education where limited only to the upper echelons of white culture. Secondly: If you find me a Latino man that is truly single, over 23, never married, no kids, no criminal record, has a job where he makes over 75,000 with benefits and has a Masters please

Some Latinos don't care for Che because of their historical knowledge of his "later days" when he was taking families out of their homes and killing them in the street while his soldiers raped the women and girls on the side walk and then shot them. Some women where also imprisoned and "used" later. Fuck Che'. He's a

I don't get it either. How else do you prepare a hot dog? I guess grilling? My mom is Colombian, loves Nathan hot dogs and buys them by the case at Cosco. She then freezes them and then defrosts them as she consumes them. Yes, sometimes even for dinner. The fridge in our garage is FULL OF THEM! She also talks like