

OMG I'm guilty of saying that. Inserting foot in mouth and not saying it again to avoid the punch. :_(!!!

This bitch has bigger things to worry about than her god damned hair. The guy that blew the lid off this pressure cooker of shit has been murdered and her computer has been recovered from a bag in a garbage can in her neighborhood. Maybe when she is in prison she can contemplate a new hairstyle but right now, no.

Point taken then. As you can see from my extensive post above, I do have trauma concerning the issue (out of many) as I'm sure others do. I suppose then, that my way of perceiving and dealing with that trauma is unique. I never met my grandmother, and Johanna killed herself when I was in the ninth grade. For some

I understand that. How tactless of you to use my own words. I'm stating that other views on suicide are not messed up. They are simply different from yours. How sophomoric and totalitarian of you to express such vacant opinions in such a finite manner.

Not everyone sees the world the way that you do. You will have to eventually come to terms with that.

When my dad was 15 his mother (my grandmother) Maria Rodriguez jumped off a building in NY. She was drugs and heartbroken because she found out my grandfather had several children with a much younger woman. I know now she had a drinking problem and the lead to depression and drug use. One of my step grandmother's

hahahah I love how the spyglass is on his nostril!

Wow. I'm surprised this is all I found:

I don't get the comparison or know who Evelyn McHale is. (I'll wiki it.) But that photo of her is just beautiful. Yes, I know she killed herself and this was the photo of the incident. But the lines, perspective, reflected light in the crumpled metal, even the position of her feet. It's a very aesthetically pleasing

lolz...good one!

Thats false. But we're moving on to leisure diving now!

Who is this Teresa woman you all feel the need to post her tweets up EVERYDAY? Heidi: Yeah if it was 06. Steve Martin: You're hilarious! Shut up fity, just shut up.

No. There was a reference made to the way slaves were laid in the ships but the original plank pic came from Adelaide Australia and supposedly started as a game of laying down in weird places in England.

and whatever, 10 years from now these "thugs" will be in Dr.Pepper commercials and playing gay characters in tv drama coms.

Hilarious :)

Just to be clear...HIP HOP is dead. Until Jesus zombie returns and raises Biggie and Tupac and ODB.. Wu tang holds a thread but the youngsters don't understand their erudite vocabulary thus... All that remains is HIP POP.

Who can tell me what is wrong with the flier trying to recruit girls for work on their self-esteem and body image? What message is it sending our little black and Latino girls?

Go you!

Second that. Just turned 29, Masters, all that shit. Still would take a pic. Fuck I'd change into a bikini sprawl myself out on it, take a pic and post it to fb. What evs!