
I felt the need to point it out because in the last six months I've come to notice that G has gone the way of an online Vogue mag. Little tech substance and many many many ads. So many articles here are no more propaganda for sponsors and copy pastes of other articles with no additional information or opinion by the

Choice is always a pro for me. I tried Honeycomb on NC then went back to the B&N os to play with the Nat Geo subscription and then went back to Gingerbread because some genius who's back I want to rub managed to get Netflix to work on his build. I actually enjoy going online and investigating, researching, and testing

I didn't take it as making me look stupid. He/she was merely being "cheeky".

OMG! It's like you've been stalking my actions and wrote a post about me except for number 6-7b which I am literally doing right meow!

Wow! That's awesome and amazing that you watch novelas to learn Spanish. Kudos to you!

I second that and wanted to add that my Colombian grandmother that didn't speak English detested all Spanish television because she considered it's portrayal of Latin American culture as beneath us and "ordinary". She loved Oprah and to this day I still don't get how she watched so many episodes and still got the jist

"The NookColor's 1024-by-600-pixel display carries a pixel density of 169 pixels per inch (PPI). The pixel density can affect how letters appear on the display. In use, letters looked very readable, similar to those on the Samsung Galaxy Tab and far better than those on the iPad's 132 PPI, but not quite as distinct

I remember that! The go to schools in the south of Brazil to exclusively scout white girls.

I thought the same thing. You can hear the guy egging her on "Go go go!" when I bet he wants to say "Get it the fuck together crackhead!".

No no no!

Wow who would have thunk it? This is totally coming out of left field! I'm so shocked!

Hey! 27 is young! She's just a bitch that's been caught red handed being a bitch!

It's 2011. Welcome.

I got scammed on craigslist out of 300 dollars buying a business class airline ticket that couldn't be cancelled or changed. I confirmed this with an American Airlines agent over the phone. Then online my ticket was valid up until the very moment I was checking in. When I got to the counter the day I was leaving I was

What internet celebrity is he accused of raping? Techno Viking? Hmmmm....interesting..

Move to Philly for a year like I did. The head line in the paper one day read: KILLADELPHIA

HAHAHHAHA@ "Why? Did you say something amusing?" lolz..There is a guy in my building that asks me to smile at least once a week! Can't wait to run into him again!!! OMG!!!

I concur!

It's used to preserve dead, decaying bodies. .....DUH.....

Aryan references Indo-Iranian languages (Iranian and Indo-Aryan) and their speakers.