
interesting project. Start a blog with the pics and descriptions of how you think the animal died and have it open for people to post their story of how the animal died. Then they will live forever on the interwebs. You will make money from advertising. Do it!

LOl.. funny anecdote. I met him in Gansevort Mia in an elevator. His speaking voice is soft an airy. I could barely hear him complimenting the fact that I had a beer in hand at 10:30 am. Ps: his female friend/girl friend whatever was HOT!

Dear Lil Jon, you should have gone to college. It's not just #LASHIT

And the orphans wept.


I want my man to be 10 years younger, fat, poor, and stupid so he will be faithful and love me.

I don't know you from a stick in the mud. But I was just on the Big Isle for 10 days and am applying for teaching jobs there. The friend I stayed with lives in Waimea and he goes to the beach (Hapuna) almost daily but only for about an hour or so at a time and never at mid day. The locals also have these mini halved

Oh, duh. You wrote the article!

Hearted for having an opinion backed by thorough information.

Yes, in some of my snorkeling expeditions we were told not to wear sunscreen as it damages the reef. I'm impressed that people believe the PABA chemicals that although irritate the skin, don't damage their molecular structure although they are applied daily. I will say I use sunscreen on my face daily for the sake of

Cheap labor after the apocalypse? Those underground silos in Denver airport are getting built up pretty rapidly and I bet you there isn't one reserved with my family name on it!

Here here! If men where the ones that got pregnant this abortion issue wouldn't even be up for discussion. In fact I'd wager there would be drive thru abortion centers where the pill from france could be bought for a nickle!

God I hope you're correct. America has a long history of voting against it's own benefits. A looooooooonnnngg history.

I'm pro choice because I am a godless heathen that believes that this is her only life on this big blue shit ball and I have every right to do whatever I want to with my body or whatever parasitic entity grows in it. Thanks!

Really? Running as a Democrat? ....Really?... Does this mean I now have to be an Independent? Wait, isn't Ron Paul an Independent? WTF is a political lady to do these days?

You are on a roll today! First the George reference on the Target post and now this! Phewwww!

OMG the teeth!! ahahah

awwww.. take many now so you have them when you are older ;)

Yup. I'm down.

That's fucking gorgeous!