
I hope you remember where you were, Sunday September 22nd 2019.

I’m confused- what about Breaking Bad? And have you seen seasons 2 and 3 of The Good Place? Phenomenal

Rereading old AVClub of the first season..... God, were we all WAY off the mark!

I am very happy to say that this comment did NOT age well! 

I dunno, the reveal ended up being pretty forking amazing.

Its not unreasonable to want job satisfaction, that's a thing everyone strives for and is a legitimate request

This.... this is the OPPOSITE of old fashioned. What kind of criticism is that? In what way could this possibly be viewed as old fashioned?

The “I am woke” doesn’t have to be in counter to “you are not”. Woke comes from awake, as in, “I wasn’t aware of certain things, but now that I am ‘awake’, I am aware of them. And we don’t shout “I have seen the light”, in my experience most people who actually use ‘woke’ as a way to describe people do it in

I took the “that’s just common sense” remark to mean that he was telling her, “hey if you had any common sense you would’ve reported this when it happened”

Well I think there *is* an appropriate way to speculate, and an inappropriate way to speculate. This guy is a shithead who VERY CLEARLY is assuming this woman is trying to get money, and the accusatory way he asks questions shows this.

I know you dont mean it as such, but the “that’s just common sense” remark is victim blaming. As someone who was sexually assaulted (albeit in a very different manner), let me tell you- sometimes it takes people awhile to actually emotionally register what happened. And people do dumb/illogical shit all the time.

Oh really? I'm enjoying this. I've got my Survivor League strategy for the first month of the season practically figured out already.

Oh yeah, let me be clear i think its MORONIC advise that, while being extremely offensive and presumptuous is bad enough, is doubly bad because yes its very out of touch with the times! Im just saying i think i have a good guess as to why someone might present this bit of advice.

FUCK. Just, GODDAMNIT. The best regular season i have ever seen, the upsets, the Pat Mahomes beauty, the beautiful beautiful offenses, i felt like i was being beaten with a sledgehammer called NOT TODAY, KIDDO WE OLD SCHOOL PEOPLE STILL REIGN SUPREME. AWFUL. Trent Dilfer was probably masturbating furiously that entire

All great points! I am by no means a Hollywood insider, so i have NO idea if the original “suggestion” is in fact a good one or a bad one! You are right though, there are many higj profile LGBT actors & actresses headlining major franchises, so on its face this advise would seem rather.... antiquated

Yeah but shes so milquetoast. She doesn't have the "butch haircut" or dress/look alternatively or FLAUNT her sexuality. She's "one of the good ones"!

I did not know that Weinstein said that to Cara, although im not surprised. He is a pig. He was one of those gate keepers. So him saying that isn’t some “oh i wish things were different but THATS JUST HOW IT IS if you wanna make it in this business” platitutde, which like i said, if i were Kristin Stewart or Cara

Its all about perspective. As an employee of a major, highly profitable firm (#humblebrag), i can tell you that, in the sense of “If you do ABC you will make more money” this person is almost definitely correct. But that doesn’t mean its the right choice!

As if the actors sexuality somehow affects the movie. Those people should be much more worried about the sexuality of writers & directors!

Makes sense. If i were an Ari Gold type person, and my priorities were getting that sweet sweet percentage, personally i wouldn’t give a fuck if youre gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, whatever. What i WOULD care about, and what i would only care about, is your bankability and getting you those top roles/making sure