

Which is the “mostly okay” one? I’d guess Civil War, as that is IMO the weakest of those 3 mentioned... But I think all 3 are really great.

Nah that’s a legitimate concern. Overall, storywise S7 was the weakest.

Blackwater is fucking dope too. The thing is, each major battle setpiece has something that sets it apart.


Overall the dynamics of S7 don’t hold up as well, but as far as individual moments, the season finale, and the loot train episode, had some great stuff.

lmao indeed. The show is good at that! “Oh, you wish Joffrey and Tywin were dead? Okay. Done. Oh wait, are you seeing that things aren’t better with them gone? Well yeah that’s what this whole show is about!”

I know the ‘Come at me bro’ thing has been memeified into oblivion (as it should!), but that was REALLY FUCKING DOPE. The look on Jon Snow’s face, and the camera pulls back to see, like, a couple dozen boats with wildlings, vs. THOUSANDS OF NEWLY ANIMATED CORPSES FUUUUUCKING SHIT

A lot of people would. In many aspects, BotB is the best battle episode the show’s ever done. The directing is INCREDIBLE. The claustrophobic feeling of Jon Snow is so well realized. Also, I love Danaerys and the dragons taking out the Slavers fleet. 

I really liked the Sparrows, the High Sparrow was able to verbally spar with the best of them. He has such a great scene with Olenna Tyrell in season 5, he’s basically like “you have no power over me. There’s nothing you have that I want, other than your submission and your humility”. I found him to be a really

Yeah he’s great. 

Minor quibbles with specific placing, but otherwise yeah those are pretty much the best 10 episodes of the show.

Ooooh, Hardhome over Winds of Winter! Your top 10 is basically perfect, except for me WoW is #1, Reins of Castamere is #2, and Hardhome is #5.

BP made more than Infinity War?? Wow.

Another great detail about that particular shot- that is the same street that Cersei had her “Shame! Shame! Shame!” walk down.

That opening sequence is just flawless.

Winds of Winter has pretty much always been my #1 episode. EVERY. DAMN. SCENE.

He is???? Michael Peña? Damn that's disappointing

I was watching Ant Man and The Wasp (pretty fun movie!), and at one point Luis drives up to the main characters and goes, “WASSSSSSSSSSUP”. After a beat, when no one responds, he says "You don't remember that beloved commercial? WASSSSSSSSSSSUP". I thought that whole thing was pretty funny

THAT SCENE IS GREAT. I love in the background, General Tommy Lee Jones just gets up so they can have their moment, and quietly signals to everyone else in the room to leave.