
This is such a well written and absolutely important piece. I love the comparison between Louis CK harassing someone vs. Joe Schmoe doing the same at a normal 9-5, because you're right there is no difference- only in how some people perceive one as "work" but not the other.

Okay, you don’t like it, that’s fine. Sorry that you didn’t. But I think you can be less rude about it.

That tip didn’t change the trajectory at all, even the guy who tipped the ball knew that didn’t do anything.

As usual, Al Swearengen on Deadwood says it best: “I don’t like the Pinkertons. They’re muscle, for the bosses. As if the bosses ain’t got enough.” And then later, “Pinkerton himself that cocksucker, I hate that bastard.”

Ahhhh right!

Shouldnt it be 117? They had 25 yards of penalties, I thought. Although maybe I’m wrong!


I think I’d go with being a baseball star. I’d still be making millions of dollars, and all without having 300lb linemen trying to decapitate me! The marginal difference between 5 million and 7 million, for example, is relatively small, quality-of-life speaking.

Nah, Draymond is very awful. I still do think Warriors hate is overblown, but he is a SCUMBAG.

As my friend L said on facebook when I posted this: “Yoooooo.” Then about 30 minutes later: “YOOOOOOOOOOOO”And then finally “I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT THIS!”

Absolutely. A lot of my guy friends were shaken by it too- which is definitely a good thing.

Both stories, it’s like she sees through peoples’ souls!

A lot of my friends had that reaction. As a guy, who *thinks* he is a good ally, reading both of these made me cringe. Because I have definitely had the kind of self-congratulating inner monologues here, all “oh yeah you’re not SO BAD Zukka, youre just waiting for the right time to dump her!” So, it hits home more

Completely unrelated to anything here, but I just read this short story (about an hour long read) and..... GODDAMN.

Definitely agree. Depending on where the restaurant is, in terms of proximity/ease of getting to, maybe go a couple times. But does that seem creepy too? Probably actually, now that I think about it.


Jesus christ, Schottenheimer.... I understand that Carson is a good running back, and I also understand that the o-line has been better this year than in recent years (although that’s not saying much and you still haven’t found an adequate Max Unger replacement!) but the ONLY players who should be used that

I am definitely in the former camp, but you are right there seems to be no middle ground on this issue.

This is a brilliant analysis by Chargers’ HC and Defensive Coordinator, and this is the type of thing I really hope to see more of in coaches. ADAPTABILITY, people. You make your scheme fit the personnel you have, and you tailor your scheme to the personnel you are going against.

hahahaha you must be really close to your male coworker, and must also have a high tolerance for bullshit if you willingly agreed to all that