
Well they’re wealthy, but also EXTREMELY sheltered, so that makes sense. Those types of people really are the worst to party with. Because all they ever do is talk about work, because that’s all they even know how to talk about. My friends, on the other hand, are way more fun than that :D

I appreciate that you responded at all! :D


I LOVE planning parties. I just ran a pretty good tailgate at a Jets game a few weeks ago, and my annual Zukkapalooza birthday party is always amazing (although to be fair, Zukkapalooza is very simple to plan- I go to my favorite beer garden on the Saturday closest to my bday, get there at noon, and stay all day, and


So just push it back to February 3, you’ll have the whole dry month!


I drank A LOT of vodka in a dorm and then I threw up. That counts as sloppy!

YAY I WAS PUBLISHED ON JEZEBEL! All that throwing up and vodka was worth it for this moment! (It was not.)

The tax rate is whatever congress sets it at. Thats not socialism, that’s the Constitution. Its been high before. Also this “oh the rich will just leave” thing is ridiculous. People aren’t gonna just up and leave because they don’t like paying taxes. Besides, where would the rich go? Any other 1st world country

Take that money thats been crowdfunded for the wall! Jesus.

There IS a way to pay for it! She literally just said raise taxes on upper class.

They’re so broke they couldn’t afford a superstar with two eyebrows, for fuck’s sakes.

So..... He’s trying to play both sides. That’s cool.

Okay so it was actually around $400.... I went over the Venmos associate with this venture:

*eyes twitch*
*steam comes out of ears*
*head explodes*

Right! That drives me nuts haha


I will admit, I get irked when I am having a debate with someone- here on Jezebel forums, on Quora, on Twitter, anywhere- and people speak to me condescendingly using those terms “listen buddy...” “sorry bro”. For me, it’s like “I am not your bro. You and I are not close, try to have a little respect when debating me”

LOL what is your issue here? He made a corny joke