
Does Mariano get in on the first ballot? Also what do we make of Andy Pettitte??? On the one hand his longevity and hardware speaks for itself. On the other... My god that career ERA

Dont listen to SB, im loving the Hazel Cills haters guide!

Well they all do live in Africa....

Awww, thats nice!

How’d your friend react??

Really? I feel like everybody acknowledges The Constant and The Incident as the best episodes of the show. 

Hmmm? Which article was that? What jacket, eh?

YUP. They think all of this is going to break her- it will only increase her resolve, and that of her followers. 

No, we dont agree on that. Because Cuomo, as governor of New York, COULDVE made it look attractive to set up in Buffalo. By, say, giving $2BB in tax cuts to. Then Bezos wouldve had to weigh “hmmm do i want to set up shop in NYC for more expensive or go to Buffalo for cheaper?”

These people are all terrified of her, of what she represents.

I think you responded to the wrong person. That's obviously exactly what's going to happen

Of course that’s easier, FOR THE BUSINESS. Like i said, im not criticizing Bezos for taking an excellent opportunity.

Im not criticizing Bezos and Amazon. Any businessman wouldve done the same. I am blaming deblasio for getting caught up in the hustle. My point in bringing up, say, Buffalo, is to say that “we’re bringing jobs” doesn’t hold water.

More eonomic development isn’t always equally better though. Have you ever heard of diminishing marginal returns?

As i said elsewhere, that economic development is already happening on it’s own. Theres no need for this kind of stimulus, and the positive benefits of it will be outweighed by the negative consequences.

I know, I'm saying the whole "oh look at the generous job creators!" aspect is BULLSHIT. 

The thing is the local economy doesn’t NEED to be charged up. The marginal benefit here as opposed to somewhere else is definitely offset by the negative externalities to the people already living here in Queens.

Oh it’s great for Amazon. Any businessman wouldve done the same. I wouldve done the same in Jeff Bezos’s shoes. But it’s deblasio’s job to protect us from that.

If i was a super hacked and I could singlehandedly wipe out the GOP, and then take every single thing that Mitch McConnell, Kellyanne Conway, the Koch Brothers, the Trumps, etc. own and turn it into liquid cash and then take that liquid cash away from them and put it into, i don’t know, literally anything

Honestly, they’re both the same thing, equally bad and equally based on full-of-shit economics that anyone who gives it the slightest thought knows is bullshit.