Tim Hortons ftw (and no I’m not a Commie Canadian, I just have good taste in donuts).
Tim Hortons ftw (and no I’m not a Commie Canadian, I just have good taste in donuts).
Drew Brees throws WAYYYY too many interceptions to be the GOAT. He’s not even the 2nd best quarterback in the game right now (Aaron Rodgers). I hate to admit it, as I virulently, viscerally despise the Patriots, but Tom Brady is almost certainly the greatest quarterback to ever play the game.
This is why the Right is CRUSHING us. They are able to mobilize in a way that we just haven’t been able to. Even though they are dying out, even though they are almost certainly outnumbered, they keep winning when it counts.
Yes, happy to fucking have them. I’ll take allies wherever I can.
What am I missing here? I don't get the reference...
I gotta say- I am pulling for my Yankees hard, but that would be a really fun series too.
Mhm! This is why Parks and Rec is so good, the cast of characters is supremely deep.
She has GREAT comedic timing. And the way she can slip through a whole different set of mannerism, going from Janet to Bad Janet, or from immortal Janet to “wait damnit I’m stuck on Earth Janet” back to “oh hey I can summon things again!” is really impressive
Yeah she’s probably the best. Which..... everyone in that cast is REALLY FORKING GOOD. So that’s saying a lot!
How does she switch so quickly effortlessly and seamlessly?! She is outrageously talented.
“We’re so in sync, we finish each other’s-” “Derek!”
She is so hilarious. As Janet, as Bad Janet, as Bad Janet pretending to be Janet and failing, as Janet pretending to be Bad Janet and failing.
What about Young? YOU MISSED ONE.
Ahh, hope it’s not too late!
As I said to someone else, “Yeah I know, I actually looked back at this awhile ago and was like, “wait why did I write Brooklyn??” Although for some reason, apparently the quickest way to get there, from downtown at least, is taking the A southbound through Brooklyn, not taking the trains through Queens.”
Yeah I know, I actually looked back at this awhile ago and was like, “wait why did I write Brooklyn??” Although for some reason, apparently the quickest way to get there, from downtown at least, is taking the A southbound through Brooklyn, not taking the trains through Queens.
What am I, supposed to read all that? FUCK THAT