That’s true! As always, it’s the mom-n-pops, the independent operators, that are the true gems.
That’s true! As always, it’s the mom-n-pops, the independent operators, that are the true gems.
Sure! I am confident they’d make a KILLING. They’re cheap, delicious, and high volume food. A good “bang for your buck”, so to speak. And did I mention DELICIOUS??
Right???? SO GOOD
God, Halal cart food here in NYC is absolutely the best. Also the taco trucks!!!
First off, you’re the one who said that the definition of nouveau riche necessarily includes that person being careless with money, so I thought you were saying that there is no non-pejorative usage of the term.
I don’t get how that is such a difficult distinction to understand or why doit2julia! is so defensive about it haha
I didn’t put extra words in your mouth, you called her nouveau riche as fuck and I don’t think that’s an appropriate insult. It’s like calling someone retarded- the phrase itself is problematic. The phrase comes about from people being insulted because they have new money, while the concept of “new money” isn’t bad at…
Nouveau riche isn’t an insult. She’s reckless with her money, sure, but she earned it and THAT part shouldn't be taken away from her.
Theyre so tasty! Also though Cinnamon Toast Crunch is definitely up there too
Honey Nut Cheerios, Crunch Berries, Cap’n Crunch, and Peanut Butter Crunch are the top tier cereals.
Wet Hot American Summer is SUCH a good movie
I suppose. But as a young and attractive woman from a very rich family, she was going to have success doing literally anything.
Why is it lame? Because it is attention grabbing? Lots of things people do are attention grabbing.
All of those are reasonable things to criticize her for. Making a sex tape is not.
Okay, so? Of the millions of things you can criticize Kim K for, making a sex tape isn’t one of them. What’s so bad about a sex tape? Did she hurt anyone by making it? No. It was consensual sex. It sounds like you are slutshaming her. I don’t know if that is your intention or not, but that’s how you come off here.
LOL I love how you got that to fit the rhyme scheme
I think it’s more like rain on your wedding day.
NFL is over by then, so yes. SOBER MARCH!
No, if they miss the 2pt. conversion they still would’ve been up 7 so a TD and PAT ties it.
Right, but a 2 possession game effectively ices the game no matter what. The risk-reward for going for 2 in that situation is highly favorable for the Browns.