Thats possible too, and that’s ALSO NOT COOL.
Thats possible too, and that’s ALSO NOT COOL.
It kind of is “virgin shaming”. It’s like OH WOW THERES NO WAY THIS GUY IS A VIRGIN.
Oh it absolutely is still good. But not as good as turkey. And certainly, if you want to steer your family away from Thanksgiving turkey, there are definitely better arguments out there than HAM.
Dude, ham isn’t even the best way to eat pork!
“That has more power than our ineffective legal system” Oh please. You’re so full of shit. Is he going to jail? No? Then GTFO with that melodramatic shit.
My heart would actually break in two if it turns out she is “Skank” of “Spooge and Skank” fame.
Damnit! Okay well then watch this season, but forego next season, and keep doing that until there is league parity!
LMAO okay, stop watching NBA next!!
I know that, on a personal level, Sunday’s Vikings game must’ve been soul-crushing for you, but objectively speaking, this has got to be one of the greatest regular seasons of the NFL in a long time, right? Every time slot of football has been phenomenal. The LIONS pantsed the wretched, vile evil Patriots in…
I get that it’s good team-bonding to really get into team spirit, but I think going into an actual berserker rage like a historical viking would have is going a little overboard, no?
Sounds like SOMEONE has their WYTS 2019: Minnesota Vikings email prepared already!
Yes! Classes and clubs
As soon as I figure out how it works, I’ll let you know LOL
How? How? HOW?!?!?!?!?!? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN
My Survivor Pool...... My precious precious Survival Pool.....
Group activities., trivia teams at bars, pool or darts leagues, or whatever the equivalent to those are that relate to your hobbies (I’m just going off of my own preferences). Depending on how old you are & where you live, coed social sports leagues are a GREAT way to meet people. Or, like, taking a class…
But she’s pretty! And nerdy and cool and sarcastic and stuff! These are phenomenal qualities for a woman to have!
Historically speaking, not seeing big ass red flags has been my speciality LOL although maybe not in this case
-Yeah, I dunno. I guess all will be revealed when we meet up to watch footyball tomorrow. I’m kinda just like, I dunno maybe she just wants the attention? She keeps making joking self-deprecating remarks about her low self-esteem, and I’ve been involved with women who sometimes just get off on that. Also, she lives 4…