
It was really so incredibly classy. Their first dance was to Tale as Old as Time, they sang A Whole New World, it was really lovely.

Yeah, I guess so. Maybe that’s it.

<3 <3 saying goodbye to a pet is so difficult. That's rough to go through

LOL I guess so! The whole thing is very odd to me.

Ahh, what fortuitous timing. I’m never on time for SNS these days. Anyways, rant time!

I dunno, other songs? It’s kinda catchy. 

Parks and Rec was infinitely better if you ask me.

Agreed. Those both are titans.

The Joker was hilarious, in a terrifying way:

I love every Morgan Freeman scene in the whole trilogy. “What, the Tumbler? ..... Oh, you wouldn’t be interested in that.” “You expecting to run into much gunfire while spelunking?” 

It’s pretty mealy mouthed. He’s trying to have his cake and eat it too.

I fucking love you

You didn’t physically say “I don’t believe her”..... But it is extremely apparent to anyone with any reading comprehension that you don’t believe her.

Oh wouldn't it be amazing if they played that RIDICULOUS NFC championship game? THAT GAME WAS THE TITS

MOST things are not black and white.... but some things are.

Thats because not all sides of a story are equal. “I hate black people” and “I don’t hate black people” aren’t equal opinions.

Meet Virginia is not bad.


Yeah, I know- I just, I really really like being accurate when I am condemning someone’s actions. Precise wording is important to me!

You’re not wrong about all of this, but IF this woman is indeed trying to extort Drake, he has a right to defend himself. Notice I say IF, I am not saying definitely Drake is in the right here.