The fruits themselves usually are pretty good. By my old office on 40th and Madison I used to get grapes and apples almost every day.
The fruits themselves usually are pretty good. By my old office on 40th and Madison I used to get grapes and apples almost every day.
LOL I am in 6 fantasy leagues and 4 Survival Pools, include one that I am commissioner of with about 130 people this year. I already have prop bets set up for the season. I am hooked on the NFL
I cannot tell if you are being sarcastic or not...
That’s a good point! If I tell you a piece of information that I am mistaken about, I am not lying to you but Im not being truthful either! Excellent work.
Truthfully and honestly, maybe?
It really might be! Phenomenal movie.
Awww, I was rooting for Jason Mendoza's team last year :(
...... If they killed 2 people, yes I fucking would. If one of my friends was so irresponsible to be texting on the road, AND THEN to be so callous afterwards that his first thought was “fuck I’m gonna go to jail”, not “OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?!”, then no I wouldn’t go to bat for someone who has clearly shown…
Youll get no argument from me!
Did you.... Did you forget about Larry Nassar?
I stand with you.
Right, that's a good distinction. It still isnt necessary though! Look at Arrested Development. These continuations always miss something.
It’s just like the supposed remake of Daria- JUST NO! LET THESE TREASURED THINGS BE
:-( I am sorry to hear that. Are you okay?
That might be one of the greatest emails I have ever read.
The neighbor agreed to go because she didn’t realize who the husband was. But HOLY SHIT I NEED TO KNOW MORE!
I dunno, she’s about 14 years younger than he is... It’s somewhat creepy.
I never really thought about Alanis’ age when she wrote that, being that I only truly discovered Alanis when I was in my late teens in the mid-2000s, but that makes a whole lot of sense! Haha
SMDH KIDS THESE DAYS. Although that guy doesn’t look like a kid to me....