
What is the thought process behind slapping a wonderful animal at the zoo? “Look isn’t this funny!”? “Look how brave I am!”? “I can’t back down from this dare!”? Like, I am genuinely curious what went through this person’s mind. How fucking stupid are you???

Oh, so your anecdotal evidence speaks for all men?

Ugh, that is probably true. I am so sorry, that sounds truly miserable :(

Hey you- haven’t seen you around lately, and I don’t really know how to get in contact with you, so just thought I’d pop in here and say hey :) I hope you are doing okay.

Oh, wow I thought I had once read somewhere that the reason pirates wore eyepatches was that one eye would be accustomed to nighttime, so that when it was dark and they were raiding they’d switch the eyepatch so they could somewhat see in the dark. But the splinter/cannon fire thing makes sense too!

BCS is SOO GOOOOD and I don’t get AMC and all of the streaming sites I use have I guess been shut down because none of my shows show up on them anymore and UGGGGHHH

I am curious about why you had to see your family- I don’t doubt it when you say that, it is just so awful that you have obligations to be around such wretched people. My family is pretty amazing, all things considered, in terms of how they raised me/how they treat me/supporting me as a human being, and I STILL pretty

Honestly, if I were in your position, I would mention how much of a jerk he has been. Don’t editorialize/embellish, but if you have real world examples of “I did ABC and he said XYZ”, especially if you have emails, you should let your coworkers know. That isn’t badmouthing him- it’s giving your coworkers and peers a

My friend Alix is a HUGE NSync fan.... And I think if I got her this book for her birthday, she would say exactly “Hahahahha, what is this?”

It’s in Queens. Which is part of NYC. 

10 Things I Hate About New Mutants would instantly become my favorite movie all time.

I love Colbert, but I think that’s a fair criticism. Mainly I love him for his political commentary.

<3 <3 <3 <3 that sounds miserable and awful and holy shit. <3


Wasnt the original issue a safety issue? Because in that case it would totally make sense for her to be that way. But then again maybe i think it was a safety issue because she controlled the narrative! Who knows!

Like, with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard it’s VERY clear- Depp is a scumbag, and apparently he doesn't care at all who knows it.

Okay, I can see how I was a bit condescending. Apologies for that. Sometimes when I try to use neutral language I end up talking down to people, I’ve done that before, I’m sorry. Something to work on. You are definitely way more knowledgeable on James Gunn and his faults than I am (although I don’t think that was ever

Do we know what exactly happened? I feel like both Brad and Angelina are very good at the whole public image thing, so I have no idea who is the asshole. Maybe they’re both assholes! 

Us NYers aren’t so bad! It’s a ridiculous stereotype. Just because we are literally always running late to something just means we dont have time to sit down and chat!

What misogyny and condescension! Where have I insulted or talked down to you at all here. I am trying to have a thoughtful discussion, or get schooled. I admitted that my POV is skewed because I like his movies. And that I hadn’t fully thought through the whole situation.