MADNESS! The beef will kill me, but that’s like the glorious “dying in battle” type of death that the ancient civilizations all craved.
MADNESS! The beef will kill me, but that’s like the glorious “dying in battle” type of death that the ancient civilizations all craved.
What’s wrong with eating wings at the bar a block away from where I play flag football?!
Yeah she’s into all sorts of really cool stuff.
Okay I thought so!
Okay true, so the title is probably a misnomer. Gotta get the public’s attention somehow!
mmmmmm, morning tacos......
Thats a good point, I definitely eat wings less often as I get older.
You mean J.S.B.? Bach?
Right! That was my thinking originally. All my west coast friends point out that’s because I’ve never had California tacos. Which, to be fair, is the exact same argument I make to THEM when they say they can live without pizza.
I think the basketball parallels you draw are spot on. And you may be right that head to head, all things considered, Beethoven is the superior composer. I suppose I am far more familiar with Mozart’s work (and I really can't stress enough how much I LOVE the movie Amadeus haha, and that definitely colors my opinion…
You’re a Sox fine. And here I thought you were kinda cool. BOOO
Exactly. Wings are wonderful, but pizza and burgers are my lifeblood. Honestly, I think tacos are the weakest, but many of my friends tell me thats just because I haven’t gone West Coast to experience true top-tier tacos, just like anyone I know who doesn’t like in NY and would say pizza is the weakest doesn’t know…
Listen, let it not EVER be said that I don’t love pork. I fuck with pork in all its glorious forms (I am happy that you left out ham which, while..... mostly fine? Is by far the weakest form of pork).
See minor league hats are totally fine! Who doesn’t love their local AAA team! That’s just supporting the neighborhood
I see what you’re saying. I mean it’s definitely those 2, ad they’re both incredible geniuses. I feel like the fact that Mozart was so instrumental in Beethoven’s development for me puts Mozart over the top.
I would probably give up fish there, but the problem is that fish is so wide a variety. Pork beef and chicken are all one species, whereas fish is a great many. Tuna tastes different than salmon.
Yeah wings need sauce. Thighs are absolutely the best part of chicken
Some fish is delicious. But beef.... Beef is fucking glorious, my friend.
Full disclosure, I am a Yankees fan. But I always did think that was stupid.