
-You forgot TV show, but don’t worry, that one’s easy- it’s obviously The Wire. Also, wait... Mozart over Beethoven! Do you remember how dope Amadeus was? Mozart was a freaking genius! And Who isn’t even a real doctor. At least go Dr. House!

Mhm. She’s very much pro peace in the Middle East, and she has a lot of first hand experience. And yes, the general idea is very much applicable to lots of divides.

Wait, Amaryllis Fox is a really cool and fascinating person. She did this video about her time in the CIA and why terrorism is so effective. She’s very intelligent.

LMAO right??? This fucking guy.

Unless they finally make Sick Sad World.

Yeah, but Daria is one of the greatest cartoons of all time, and arguably no TV show has better captured an entire generation the way she did.

Oh. If you say so! I only went to the one, and by all accounts he’s a very decent guy, so I’ve always had a pretty positive opinion of the man.

Whats wrong with Guy Fieri? He’s a down to earth, man of the people kinda guy! Also I went to his restaurant in NYC a few years ago- it was...... okay?


-What kind of crazy person throws away the crumbs? The pro move is to dump the crumbs into the NEXT bag of tortilla chips!

“Thor, Son of Odin!”

How can you forget Hemsworth! He’s super funny as the mighty THOR

HOLY SHIT that scenario you just described- like, JLKFKJLFDJKLFLJKSD how the hell do you deal with that! Oh my god I’m getting nervous just thinking about my friends being in that type of position.


You’d like to see more women get home safe? Then stop giving them advice, they already know. Start giving advice to guys you know about how to treat women properly.

Go fuck yourself. It is the rapists fault, AND ONLY the rapists fault. Anyone who says differently is a piece of shit.


I comment on outfits a lot. Both men and women. “Hey, that’s a really nice tie! Where’d you get that, I want one!”

Oh..... Well I meant because I’m a Yankees fan, but sure! That too!

<3 <3 <3 <3 Beautiful