That was painful to watch, but man this kid has got talent. Just the right person to keep the National’s tradition of burning through the regular season and then imploding in the playoffs alive!
That was painful to watch, but man this kid has got talent. Just the right person to keep the National’s tradition of burning through the regular season and then imploding in the playoffs alive!
LOL thats true.
Honestly, I think even in this case Terry’s anger is justified. This is definitely a “controversial” decision, in that it isn’t clear what the right thing to do is- give a warning first? Give a warning before the game starts? Who knows. I am not quite sure if home plate ump made the right call or not, but there are…
haha right?? How good is XKCD!
30 million. Goddamn! That is A LOT of people! That’s .05% of all humanity. THAT IS A REALLY BIG NUMBER lol I can’t even fathom what 30 million people looks like.
Ohh okay okay okay, so I should- I should- I shhhh.... I shhhh I shhhhhh.....
My god!
Oh, yeah that makes a lot more sense.
1/3? Just 33%? That’s way low.
Don’t forget mattress stores!
This is incredibly thoughtful and incredibly depressing. Thank you for taking the time to write this all out.
Yes thats true, it certainly is. Good point.
On an ideological level sure, but practically speaking, that will put Seattle and the residents who live there in an even bigger whole than the one they are in now.
What is the solution here? Because Durkan rightly does point out that, if Amazon fights the ordinance legally, or moves, or whatever, then that is a net loss and Seattle is in a worse position. And Bezos has no tangible reason to care about the homeless people in Seattle. Yes he should because that’s the right thing…
What mystifies me is that you sat down, thought this out, typed these words out, had a chance to delete them all, but decided to press “Publish” instead. Have some respect, man.
Mostly military spending and corporate bailouts.
Come check it out! :) :) :)
Well, he has bills to pay so it’s not his fault Hollywood decided to give him the role. That’s a fair point that there are thousands of openly out gay actors, just like Emma Stone shouldn’t have been cast in Aloha.