It was not a charge. LeBron was clearly positioning himself in such a way as to make it look like a charge.
It was not a charge. LeBron was clearly positioning himself in such a way as to make it look like a charge.
Also entirely possible!
Hmmmmmmmm true! This isn’t the 90s anymore.
Well the best lies are the ones sprinkled with some truth. So let’s say C.L. had her friends, the other ones mentioned in the lawsuit, come up to his house dressed as police officers, all “POLICE OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR.” And then they rough him up for a bit, maybe put a bag over his head and drive him out a mile away.…
That’s a good point! I do not know, the article doesn’t specify.
.... You must’ve missed the comments where I call this guy an asshole and where I call him a piece of shit.
I think the psychological warfare part definitely sounds possible. I am very confident the murder part is an exaggeration.
Right. I think the most likely situation is that she planned or executed an intimidation type thing to scare him. And that he’s taking that and embellishing it into much worse
pretty much!
NO CLUE lol. Are he and C.L. friends maybe?
I think he’s embellishing. I think it is definitely possible that she tried (or considered, or planned, or something) to do some sort of ‘fake kidnap’ situation to scare the piss out of him. Which, also isn’t cool! Like, that’s psychological torture!
..... I mean, no it’s not. He deserves public shaming and losing the guitar, but this isn’t the mafia.
I agree, I do believe him capable. But I ALSO absolutely believe Courtney Love would set up some sort of intimidating tactic type situation to get Curt Cobain’s guitar back.
If I were a betting man (I mean, I AM a betting man, but whatever), I’d say the smart money is on the kidnapping part being probably true, and maybe it was going to be a mock execution/some sort of intimidation tactic to scare this asshole into giving the guitar back.
I.... can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not. Are you saying, then, attempted murder is okay?
.... Even if he was the victim of attempted murder?
Right? It’s close! This could go either way.
So just because he’s a selfish dick, it’s not plausible for him to face repercussions that are way over what he deserves?
P.S. you are ungreyed! At least on this thread you are. Jezebel itself’s gotta ungrey you for the rest of the site. Email them!
Oh, 100%. “WHAT WE DO IN LIFE ECHOES IN ETERNITY!” It’s SUCH a badass movie, I am not ashamed to say it is one of my favorite movies of all time as well.