I feel like a lot of societies in antiquity felt this way about their cities. If I am not mistaken, the people of Athens were the same way (Athena is a goddess, not a god). Something about the beauty of their culture, and fighting to protect it, and in those gendered roles it would be the women who were seen as…
Awwww thanks! I like me too :-P
I could be misreading this, but I thought it WASN’T misogynistic. To me, it looks like Pusha T is saying “hey man, who gives a shit what her profession is. Respect her. That’s your kid, be there for your kid!”
I hate that I am nitpicking on small grammatical errors when this is a terrifying and devastating reality, but I get the same way and I am glad to see other people recognize that.
That’s a good distinction, and is a better description of my visceral hatred for James Harden, when compared to other superstars.
oh boo fucking hoo. All James Harden ever does is get bullshit calls his way, he’s done it his entire career, and in fact builds his whole game upon that.
Yup, I think the comment got dismissed or something. It was pretty rude
Maybe, but fuck Harden he gets phantom calls all the time. His entire game is built around getting phantom calls and flopping like a soccer player. So for that to blow up in his face in a game that actually matters? Good. Fuck’em.
TNR is an immigration lawyer, so what he “thinks” is almost certainly based on HUGE amounts of experience in the arena. So it is probably much closer to the truth than you are giving him credit for.
God I love Gleyber. And Judge. And Didi.
First off, your generation is less susceptible to “never going to see any of my college friends again” than ANY generation previous. Your friends will be your friends.
That is very badass!
I love the Yankees, but I’d be shocked if Ohtani doesn’t win.
<3 <3 <3 <3
Did not know that, although that makes sense. Consider me schooled!
Normally I’d agree, but I actually really do like this team. I love Tatum and Jaylen, they’re so good. And when Kyrie/Hayward come back.....
*head to desk*
Outrageous. She hasn’t had work done, right? Good for her. I hope my future wife is this beautiful at FREAKING 30.
It is INSANE that she is 57. 57! HOLY SHIT. She looks like she is 40? MAYBE?