
LOL okay it kind of does

Yeah I am OUTRAGED. Syfy doesn’t have the distribution rights or something, I am not quite clear on how the production is working. But I know that they are shopping around to streaming sites like Amazon and Hulu to continue it.

Yeah. I am 100% willing to subscribe to any site that picks it up. Hulu, Amazon, anything! I already have Netflix, but apparently they already passed.

YUP I didn’t pick up on that until another commenter mentioned it. I love Westworld

Ahhhh right.

What! You are cuckoo for coco puffs if you think that!

Even their insides? So they have, like, synthetic livers that digest alcohol? So they can get drunk? Get food poisoning? If they create waste, that means they can throw up food too? They can drown? (*EDIT* oh right we already saw them drown haha)

And yet The Expanse can’t find a home SMDH. The Expanse craps on all of these halfassed shows. It is brilliantly written, well acted, meticulously brought to life with high production value and an engrossing plot that works on many levels.

Wait, they’re robots right? So they don’t even have kidneys, or urinary tracts or anything. So I don’t think so.

I continue to love the soundtrack, and they way they gave the Sweetwater theme as well as the Paint It Black cover from S1 the Japanese instrument treatment. Very nice touch.

Nah, go ahead and punch golfers in the face. Especially whiny shithead snitch golfers like this fuckhead.

I remember when I was on the swim team in high school coach used to always tell us to carb load the nigh before a swim meet. But now everyone says that isn’t good! I wish I had known that, I would’ve been faster!

That is such a productive way of being unproductive! :)

I highly doubt that. She could face jail time for this.

Ahhh I see. That’s an interesting point. I think you may be right. I don’t know enough about the case really, but I agree it does sound like Foster is innocent here.

Holy crap this is a really weird and intense reaction. Jenna is not being gross by any means. She is an adult, John is an adult. They are friends and care about each other. They had really good chemistry on The Office.

Sometimes you CANT fake that chemistry though.

I don’t think I understand your point- because I agree that young black males are WAY overincarcerated, and that in many ways the American prison system was engineered as a modern subtle replacement for older, more blatant forms of racial segregation and exploitation.

Definitely not completely absurd. Statistically speaking, it’s exactly correct. You wanna point out that, “hey large middle class white males can be victims too!”, well you’d be correct in saying that. But he is saying he is not a victim, and statistically speaking that demographic is one of the least at risk.

Clearly you care, as you are commenting repeatedly. And I care, because I like That_Other_Guy as a commenter.