I’ve never had Church’s so I can’t comment on that, or Bojangles. And yes Popeys beats KFC, but no way on CFA being bottom rung there. That’s madness!
I’ve never had Church’s so I can’t comment on that, or Bojangles. And yes Popeys beats KFC, but no way on CFA being bottom rung there. That’s madness!
I don’t like onions on my burgers! You’re cuckoo for coco puffs if you do, in my opinion.
Huh, I guess Five Guys tastes different where you are. I LOVE the way they taste. Not that I am a big fast food burger eater.
No love for Five Guys?
Popeyes does not beat Chick-fil-a
Now there’s an old school That_Other_Guy comment!
Okay so the rule with less/fewer is that “less” is for abstract amounts, and “fewer” is for discreet numbers that you can actually count.
You said “EXACTLY ZERO” people missed that point, not some (or a few!) people missed that point. So you are wrong.
You are definitely wrong. A lot of people are like “oh wow yeah Don Draper he’s so cool I want be just like him!
You’re right, we’re all saying they eliminated the Rockets BEFORE the game started.
.... You do remember that Curry didn’t play for large amounts of time, right?
:( Man I hope not. Genuinely seems like a good kid.
Who forgets about the Texans? Deshaun Watson is incredibly electric.
The Nationals are having a good regular season so far? Wow! I’ll bet they go really far in the playoffs this year.
I think you’re definitely correct there.
Focusing exclusively on the faults and imperfections rather than on the big picture is how you get Donald Trump in the White House.
You are equating serial rapists and sex-slave-owners with general dipshittery? Really?
I just think saying “fuck Hayek”, a) reduces the meaning of the phrase “fuck so-and-so” and turns it into a meaningless catchall, and b) gets rid of nuance. You can recognize that she is imperfect, but fuck Selma Hayek? No. Fuck Harvey Weinstein for being a piece of shit. Fuck Donald Trump for being a piece of shit.…
Frank Sobotka is SUCH an underrated character. Yes he got in bed with criminals, and he knew what he was doing- but he didn’t do it for himself, he didn’t give a shit about the money. He just cared about his brothers, about the Union, and protecting their way of life. What the hell else was he supposed to do?! Let…