Absolutlely on point. It would be an ok little truck if it didn't have the emblem and RAM all over it, because it very much isn't.
They should call it the Fiat Goat.
Absolutlely on point. It would be an ok little truck if it didn't have the emblem and RAM all over it, because it very much isn't.
They should call it the Fiat Goat.
What's up with Benz? Still suffering from Chrysleritis?
You clinch a victory. You clench your sphincter. While it is possible to do both at the same time, you cannot clench a victory.
Umm... they all look the same to me.
Operating budget would be the only reason to get the EB, I think. Gas and insurance could be a deal breaker for The Poors.
Lyonheart sounds like Vapor in the making. Like right now. Which is a shame, because goddamn that's a purdy vehicle.
This is how the kids do nowadays. Watch any tween youtube star, they all do the quick edit bullshit. Mainly because they can't deliver two sentences consecutively without fucking it up.
I think the real story here is what's being offered at that auction. Jesus Christ. Why aren't we talking about it here?
I might be with you, I'm not sure. I loved II and III, but IV kinda lost me. I was never really able to solidify what bothers me about it, but you might be on to something with the whole superpowers thing...
This. The Brian Williams things work because it's all the same guy.
I've seen men get beheaded. I've seen a baby born with its heart on the outside of its chest. I've seen a man cut off his own leg with a saw. I've stared at the sun for five full minutes. None of the shit I've seen was as hard to watch as this video. Jesus Christ.
Scrapping at the Packard isn't a career choice. Think of it more as an ATM.
You would think at some point they would put up a sign that says "Just don't fucking park here".
He's got a flat tire.
I think that lady should be rendered into soap. And I think you should cross-post this to Jezebel. Because women can't drive and need to be reminded of this fact daily.
What are the specs on that pink bear? I bet it's a screamer.
I dunno if that Fahey guy is full of shit or not, but if you search eBay for "Glod" or "Sliver" you can find some really good deals.
It's always a fucking Camry.