Zukey Badtouch

Wow, is it April already? HA! April Fools! Ok, you got us.

No man, not Herb! The other guy! The guy who traded in the low milage Subbie! Find him! Ask him all the questions! It is your Honda civic duty!

A good journalist would contact the dealership and ask to be put in contact with the mysterious recluse who traded in these cars, and attempt to get an answer to all 13 of his questions, then report back with his findings.

Will never be able to look at Steven Ogg the same way again. Thanks, guys. Really.

That blob in the top right corner is a dick, isn’t it?

The opening pic looks like a screenshot from Project:Cars

If it’s a plasma, they are melting their legs.

Raise your hand if you wanna play BattleTech, or... just thinking this is making me turgid... CityTech! on a Google Earth map.

I think he should be doing a children’s show. He could be the next Mr. Rogers.

This could be a bug that was introduced during one of the final final updates. So during 99% of the testing, the bug wasn't there to be discovered.

I don't think there is such a thing as a good cop or a bad cop. They are just cops, and they are all good, all the time, except when they aren't. And I believe they all have their moments when they aren't. Because they are human beings, and human beings are goddamn pricks. Especially when acting in groups.

There are no police officers who try to do their job properly. If there were, they would police their own. But they don't, and I take that as absolute proof, they are all bent.

No, don't worry, they probably just stole the Monte from a "suspected drug dealer".

The Rich do not do "box". Not their wine, not their furniture, and certainly not their transportation.

Common sense is not a Western exclusive.

Well, we invented the solution, now we need to come up with a problem.

The inside of a Ford truck feels like a car. The inside of a Chevy car feels like a truck.

That was pretty much my experience as well. If it wasn't for the shit system in the dashboard, I could probably overlook all the other shortcomings, because fuck it, Ford > all. But that evil horrible thing just ruined it for me. My wife got a 2014 Focus this year, because, you see, Ford family... and gah, hateful

Absolutely correct. I was a Ford guy. I ain't no more.